If you set a goal to get rid of extra pounds, buy a nice body and good health in the first place you have to rebuild your diet. Observe the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In no case do not give any one of these batteries. Carbohydrates and fats are transferred to the first half of the day, the proteins - the second. Try not to combine the use of carbohydrates and proteins. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals you need.
For the body the best food is the one that grows and is produced in your region. For exotic stomach and intestines and gradually get used for a long time.
Drink clean water, not less than one and a half liters a day. That it helps to keep all the vital processes, excrete wastes. Preparing food, prefer cooked or steamed. Try as little as possible to expose products to a heat treatment. So you save a maximum of nutrients.
An important element of a healthy diet - mode. There must be four to five times per day with approximately equal intervals between meals. In addition, it is desirable to arrange fasting days.
If power is more or less clear, sport leaves a lot of questions. For example, there are people who are actively performing abdominal exercises for several months, but did not have achieved any result. It's simple: to lose weight and improve the appearance of the body, including the stomach, you need load more serious.
Be sure to make it a rule three times a week to give yourself cardio. This is all kinds of sports, makes your heart beat faster: running, swimming, exercise bike, boxing, aerobics. It is this part of the program is responsible for burning calories and reducing subcutaneous fat. In addition, the load improves anaerobic organism.
Three or four times a week dedicated to strengthening individual muscle groups. This can be done both in the gym and at home. Rock press, arms, legs, back. Developed muscles do not allow your skin to droop with the loss of volume of the body.
Do not exhaust yourself workouts, do not overdo it with a healthy diet. Daily crosses ten kilometers and a complete rejection of favorite products bring you only irritation, aggression and frustration, which ultimately lead to failure. Try to move to a proper diet gradually, without forcing himself to suffer hunger. Sport should also bring a pleasant lightness rather than wild fatigue.