There is one, perhaps the fastest to achieve the result, but the most negative way to overcome insomnia and sleep. It take hypnotic. However, such an approach will help to remove only a symptom of sleep disorders, and temporary. Sleep is not fully restored, and the effect of the decision will be a one-time relief funds.
Moreover, most hypnotic drugs cause serious addiction, resulting in insomnia is only getting worse, and yourself to sleep without special tools becomes impossible.
Taking into account the negative aspects of hypnotic drugs, their use should be in exceptional cases and only on medical prescription.
There is a more gentle and loyal way to deal with insomnia. It is based on the reduction in the normal nervous system and regime.
Cause serious sleep disorders can be transferred stress or permanent nervous condition. Eventually, the nervous system can reach such an excited state that a person is unable to sleep. Then should not be forced to push myself to bed and try to close your eyes. This can further irritate and "beat" the nerves. Better get up and drink some water. You can even work out a little in any case, but without showing strong activity. The case should be soothing. As soon as the first sensation of declination to sleep, you should go to bed, preferably on the back. This contributes to an early peace. Do not have to force yourself to sleep. Should relax. Then all occurring processes slow down, and sleep will come himself. Every day, the nervous system will be more complacent mode will bounce back, and the process of falling asleep to normal.
Cope with insomnia and helps aromateripiya. This can be a warm bath before going to bed with the addition of essential oils or oil burner with a small bedroom. You can even drop a few drops of oil on the edge of the pillow. Calming effect on the human body have the essential oils of neroli, chamomile, lavender, bergamot. But should not every day use the same fragrance smells better alternate.
If this does not help, you should consult your doctor. After the cause of insomnia may be to inflammatory processes in the body, but that has not yet manifested themselves in a more explicit form. In this case, the doctor will prescribe treatment.