Essential oils or aromatic oils are a mixture of volatile substances contained in different parts of plants. Natural aroma oils are natural plant extracts and are responsible for their exudes aromas. The main reason for the popularity of essential oils - natural origin, in their composition, there are no chemical additives.
Modern aromatherapy has over 3000 different aroma oils. Moreover, even the oil of the same plants grown in different regions vary considerably in composition. Modern research can not yet fully appreciate what determines the percentage of those components in the composition of aroma oils.
However, the lack of information on the composition of the essential oils do not prevent their successful use in aromatherapy. Aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on the human body. They have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating properties, have a positive effect on the nervous system. Depending on the application, aromatic oils are also used in skin diseases, respiratory organs, joints, improve circulation and muscle tone.
Impact of essential oils either through the skin (massage, compresses, baths), or through the respiratory tract (by inhalation or inhalation). However, different people may experience different effects from the use of aromatic oils. As mentioned above, this is due to their uneven chemical composition, as well as emotional and physiological features of human response to odors. Therefore, deciding to use essential oils, consult a doctor-aromatherapist. He will choose for you the right combination of aromatic oils, their method of application, depending on the specific problem and the state of your health. Also, do not be amiss to listen to your intuition: if the oil smell unpleasant to you, refuse to use it.
Under the recommended dosage aromatherapy does not cause side effects or addiction. Aromatic oils are non-toxic, but they should only be used externally. For all its positive properties of essential oils can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first application, apply one drop of oil on the skin of the wrist and the next day to vote result. Local reactions (redness, itching), as well as dyspnea, lacrimation, increased heart rate indicates that the oil will not fit.
Aromatherapy has been used successfully even during pregnancy. Observing the advice of a doctor, expectant mothers can use certain types of aromamasel swelling of legs and varicose veins, to deal with insomnia, as a protection against infections. However, there are a number of oils (lemon balm, anise, oregano, clove, cypress, camphor and others.), Which are contraindicated during pregnancy. They contain ketones and phenols, have toxic effects on the fetus, as well as affecting the hormones.
Thus, undoubtedly a positive impact on our body aromatherapy. However, the use of aromatic oils for medicinal purposes should consult a doctor-aromatherapist and take precautions.