In fact, to drink in the evening and do not suffer from morning headaches, nausea and other "charms" hangover can. It is only necessary to follow certain rules. When the meal and reception of drink inevitable, take certain measures. All of them can be divided into three groups:
Before ...
If you know about the upcoming feast a few days, start the regular intake of dairy products. This will allow you to put in order the intestinal microflora and get it work. It intestine is responsible for ensuring that alcohol can be rapidly excreted from the body. In addition, it is recommended to limit the intake of heavy protein foods such as mushrooms, beans and meat.
Start taking vitamin complex containing an amber or folic acid. Vitamins and minerals needed for your body to deal with alcohol poisoning.
A few hours before the feast eat. It is not necessary to load up, the best option would be a portion of rice porridge with milk and the addition of butter. In no case did not follow the advice to eat a piece of folk butter to limit the absorption of alcohol. This leads to the fact that you intoxicated dramatically and immediately.
Just before sitting down at the table, take a few pills and Mezim Essentiale forte in order to make life easier for your liver and stomach. Them in the next few hours will be very difficult.
During that, as ...
Do not mix different drinks. Drink throughout the evening one thing. If people are holding all sorts of cocktails such as "Sex on the beach" or "B-52" and you need to match, choose something like "Bloody Mary." The combination of tomato juice and vodka will bring your body is much easier than a mixture of different alcoholic beverages with sugar syrup. Tomato juice, like orange, contains large amounts of vitamin C, and vitamins your body is now essential.
Drink plenty. Try to stay at the table so that the decanters and fruit drink juice were you as close as possible. But in no case did not mix alcohol carbonated beverages. Carbon dioxide contained in them, accelerate the absorption of alcohol, intoxication will be fast and brutal hangover.
Several times during the evening move to fresh air. Take a walk, breathe, clear your head.
Strive not with a snack. Abundant fatty foods will help to drink more alcohol than you can digest. Drinking on an empty stomach, you just dopetes unconscious, otherwise you can take a lethal dose of alcohol and not notice it.
Once ...
Back home, take a mixture of 6-8 tablets of activated charcoal, 2 tablets No-Spa, 1 tablet of aspirin.
Open the window and go to bed. Access of oxygen is needed now, because your brain is also subjected to alcohol intoxication.
Prepare yourself in advance for drinking. It is best if it is a natural juice - cranberry or cranberry. These drinks not only restore the acid-alkaline balance and quench their thirst, but also facilitate the work of the kidneys.
However, the best measure to prevent a hangover is moderation in drinking.