Terms of healthy teeth

Terms of healthy teeth
 Rare lucky ones can boast perfect snow-white teeth. Most people have to hide your smile from the view of others, because a huge number of modern people suffer from various diseases of the teeth. Despite its apparent fortress teeth - this is one of the weakest parts of the human body. But keep your teeth healthy, thereby reducing the frequency of visits to the dentist, you can. To do this, you should regularly perform some hygiene rules.

Rule №1. Regular visits to the dentist. Generally, visits to the dental clinic should not be less than one every six months. People suffering from periodontal disease, an expert should visit once in 4 months, and patients with periodontitis should see a doctor every 3 months.

Rule №2. Regular hygiene throughout the oral cavity, including: daily cleaning of the teeth at least twice a day, cleaning the mouth after each meal, cleaning the tongue and inside of the cheeks, removing food debris from interdental spaces, is a must.

Rule №3. Rational balanced diet. The daily menu human products must be present all four food groups: milk, bread, fruit and vegetables and meat. In addition, to strengthen the gums and tooth cleaning from pathogenic plaque should be included in the daily diet of coarse food: carrots, apples and other hard fruits and vegetables in their raw form.

Rule №4. Inclusion in the daily diet of foods rich in calcium, such as nuts, green vegetables, dairy products, cheese, a beneficial effect on dental health.

Rule №5. The temperature of the food you eat should be optimal. Too hot or too cold food is very harmful to tooth enamel. Sudden temperature of food can lead to the formation of microcracks on the tooth enamel.

Rule №6. Fluoride - a necessary trace element for human teeth. It is possible to compensate the shortage by use of toothpastes, elixirs, multivitamin complexes, chewing gums having fluorine in its structure.

Rule №7. Regular rinsing various herbal decoctions has great effect on dental health. Such therapeutic and prophylactic agents include decoction of sweet, birch buds and leaves of cranberry.

Rule №8. Should promptly contact your dentist at the slightest suspicion of any disease of the teeth, because the cure small hole is much less painful and easier than a tooth.

Tags: tooth care