Proper dental care

Proper dental care
 Many modern women in pursuit of beauty and perfect appearance sometimes forget the most important component - a beautiful and healthy smile. Give your teeth the right care, because they are prone to many diseases, which are much easier to prevent than to deal with their treatment.
 Plaque is formed under the influence of bacteria, food debris begin to decompose, giving off the aggressive toxins which, in turn, destroy tooth enamel mineralization. All this contributes to the formation of caries, and also leads to irritation of the gums, causing inflammation. Careful removal of plaque from teeth plays a major role in maintaining the health of the gums and teeth.

The first thing to take care of the timely and proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed, it is desirable to do it after every meal. Duration of cleaning should be three minutes.

Once in two months is recommended to change the toothbrush, as it accumulated on the bacteria can be the cause of various diseases of the mouth and slow recovery of the teeth due to re-infection. It is also necessary to change the toothbrush, if she lost the original form or after an illness (flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, and acute respiratory infections), since bacteria are able to continue their own ability to live for another month.

Unfortunately, toothbrushes and floss are not capable of filtering into narrow spaces between teeth, so they can not serve as a good weapon against periodontal disease and caries. Dental floss is an excellent tool to remove food trapped between teeth. Tooth cleaning with thread wrap around 40 centimeters index or middle finger so that part of the thread stretched between the fingers is three centimeters.

Carefully lead this part of the thread between your teeth and make a few moves from the gingival margin to the edge of the tooth, and the thread should go around it on the gum line. Unreeled yarn with use, each portion thereof is to be used for one of the interdental space once.

Twice a day, rinse your mouth with a special elixir, which has anti-bacterial effect, prevents the formation of plaque on the teeth and freshens breath. Rinsing should take a minute or two, then the liquid should be spit out. Early treatment of diseases of the teeth, proper care and routine inspection at the dentist will give you a guarantee that in the future will not have any problems with the oral cavity. See your dentist at least twice a year.

Tags: tooth, hygiene, cavity, care