How to maintain sexual power?

How to maintain sexual power?
 Most men think about how to keep their virility "intact" to the very old age. To achieve this, many of them are trying all sorts of drugs that promise miracles potency, and even resorted to an exotic way of extending the sex life.

Medicine distinguishes two forms of male sexual weakness. This weakness of erection and premature ejaculation. These disadvantages may occur both separately and together.

For men, the awareness of their male power is very important - just as important for women to its appeal. It has been observed that even those men who live without a partner, may still suffer psychologically because of the fact of his impotence.

Have sex - often

Human instinct - a wonderful thing, flexible and subservient consciousness. Who would have thought that the habit and pleasure to have sex can be forgotten and relegated to second or third / fourth / fifth plan - if it is replaced by another habit. If a man begins to spend a lot of time fishing, computer games, work / career, beer with friends, chess - not so important for what it is, the instinct is subject to the consciousness and the body begins to produce less testosterone. Smaller and smaller and smaller. Accordingly, the desire to have sex also attends such an individual is much less common. Break more than three months is already beginning to adversely affect the state of the male body. But if you have sex regularly and with pleasure - the body will also obey and please their master for many years.

Protect your health

Take care of your health. And this applies not only to sexual health, which is responsible for the sexual sphere, and not only unpleasant diseases that are often forced to treat men who lead a promiscuous sex life. Pay attention to your "everyday" health, pressure, colds, stomach ulcers, and other "ordinary" disease - do not let it turn into chronic. Take your vitamins, play sports, walk, take care of the nervous system.

Do not try to set records

Change partners as gloves - not a sign of outstanding macho. Rather, it is a sign that a man is unable to experience deep feelings or fears serious responsibility. In addition, the frequent changes of girlfriends for sex detrimental effect on sexual function. In every human body live microbes, and if permanent, long-term relationship they get used to each other and co-exist peacefully, each new sexual contact causes the human body to experience a new stress. And this is - the shortest way to a breach of bodily functions, including sex.

Long affection - a pledge of men's health

Meticulous Americans who love to dig to the bottom of even the most insignificant things, conducted a serious study of the causes that affect the level of male potency. Specialists serious institution - Massachusetts Institute of Andrology investigated several hundred men complained of male weakness.

As it turned out, when all the differences in status, age and intelligence, these patients were united by one thing: they never bothered to prolonged foreplay. Studies of this problem have shown that the vagina is not enough excited woman releases neuropeptide. This material detrimental effect on male potency, and even condoms can not stop it. Men who regularly engage in sex with a partner who is not sufficiently aroused every time receive a dose of harmful substances for potency.

Block its production can only large doses of hormones that can cause hot caresses. Conclusion - pat women for a long time and with pleasure.

Eat useful

Let your diet will always be grass, positive effect on potency, such as parsley and cilantro. Very good for this purpose unrefined carbohydrates and nuts, meat and dairy products and fish, sour fruits, green vegetables, olive oil, whole-grain bread or oatmeal. Do not forget about seafood, strawberries and apples. If you can not watch your diet - select the appropriate combination of vitamins for men.

Tags: strength, life, potency