It is also important that you drink. The best option - good champagne, natural quality wines, the best dry their body moves easier. If you decide to drink cocktails, be sure to check the alcohol content in each. Otherwise, you can quickly "bust", not having to limit itself to the portions of alcohol consumed.
Bad option - a sweet liquor or liquor, which bites sweets. And harmful to health, and the hangover will be heavier. It is also very harmful to drink alcohol juice, soft drinks, etc. liquids. If you can not do without "zapivki" alternate alcoholic drinks with non-carbonated mineral water. Then the body will replenish salts, toxins will be displayed faster, the concentration of alcohol in the blood decreases. Best snack - protein meals, meat and fat in moderation.
By the way, alcohol is best to choose in specialized stores or where you have already taken. Christmas binge contributed to the good mood and did not turn alcohol poisoning or a morning hangover, if possible, do not mix drinks. And if you do decide to drink champagne, and wine, and something stronger, then go from less strong to stronger, never lower the degree.
Even if the fun peaked, and the surrounding seek to propose a toast to toast, do not rush to drink without interruption. The gap between each successive glass or glass must be at least 20 minutes. It was during this period of time you will be able to realistically assess their condition and decide whether to continue libations.
Remember that your goal - to get joy and pleasure, and not to drink until he lost consciousness. Therefore, if you feel that sorted out, skip the toast. Of course, it is better not to confuse the companions and not leave empty glass Christmas. You can fill it with juice or mineral water and take part in the fun without harming their health.
If, during the New Year's Eve you or someone highly intoxicated guests, it is necessary to get some fresh air or drink a glass of water with a couple drops of ammonia. It is also very well help in time taken absorbents such as "Polifama." But still much better not to go beyond and do not read too much alcohol. It is much nicer to get drunk from the feeling of celebration, of joyful emotions and happiness, from a sincere companionship.