When you buy the phone, first of all, looking on the brand, the number of functions and neighbors who do you think fashion. Think about your health and ask the frequency characteristics and secure phone.
Get the phone with a low SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). SAR indicates the maximum specific power absorbed by the human body (W / kg) on a normal conversation with the cellular telephone. The maximum safe level of SAR is considered 2 0. Most modern cell phones this
is 0, 5 - 1, 0.
Choose your phone and service provider that will provide the best quality. If the quality is low (few antennok) for whatever reasons, do not use the phone. If the connection radiation dose - the biggest.
Limit the number and time of calls. Surely you've noticed how long conversation with felt vibration and the phone heats up. Replace chat on mobile chat on at work and home phone (good old friend wired). After all, it was the same time ...
Use a wireless headset, it will reduce the proportion of radiation. Wired headset, on the contrary, increases the negative impact.
Hold the phone without a headset to the ear, or wear headphones only after clicking the button with the green tube.
Keep the phone away from her. Put it in a bag, put it in a bag or on a shelf. Do not hang him for a neck or shoulder, not fastened to the belt. And at night just turn off (at the same time, unplug the computer from the electrical outlet). Whenever possible, talk hands-free.
Do not use the phone in enclosed spaces - in the elevator, in transport. Metal box with a closed space increases the radiation.
Use protective schungite stickers.
Monitor your immunity, according to the observations of a number of scientists, people differently affected by radiation. Can calculate the personal exposure to low-frequency waves.
Do not allow children to use a cell phone. They are not able to present its harmful effects. And, in the meantime, they are more susceptible to the adverse effects of adult radiation.