Unhealthy craving for health

Unhealthy craving for health
 In recent years, a new trend of fashion has become a health food. People consciously reject superfluous products, justifying this by saying that look after their health. Excessive thirst for healthy eating called ortoreksiya. Today it is considered a disease that can quickly be transformed into anorexia.

Experts believe that ortoreksiya is primarily psychological. The disease is accompanied by obsessive thoughts about food and nutrition, as well as contempt for those who do not share the passion for healthy food.

Vegans, raw foodists and people limiting calories and carefully watching their diet ortoreksii subject can not be named until their passion for healthy food does not become manic. Then the number of authorized products a person consciously starts to cut, healthy menu is the meaning of his life. In this ortoreksik trying to attract to his passion loved ones, and if they do not support it, it can even lead to conflict.

Scientists have noted that there is a group ortoreksii risk. So, most strongly to this disease affects women between 30 and 50 years. They aspire to wealth, but do not like their job, often have problems in his personal life.

These girls try because of all the forces conform to fashion standards. They are obsessed with the cult of eternal youth and are usually hidden inferiority complex. It is the desire to be the best, and makes the perfect care of the health and appearance of a terrible disease.

Taking care of your health - it's fine if you do not do it the cult of his life. When constantly afraid of wrinkles, excess weight, the development of various diseases, it leads to the development of a depressive personality.

Due to the monotonous, almost devoid of essential vitamins and minerals, nutrition in ortoreksika disturbed metabolism and hormonal failure occurs. In addition, such a person brings himself to exhaustion, but he does not understand.

Ortoreksiku can only help family and friends, writing it to the reception to a psychologist. In the early stages of the patient's condition may improve after a few sessions, but if the case is launched, and may require the intervention of a psychiatrist.

Tags: health, nutrition, rods, ortoreksiya