Laughter for Health

Laughter for Health
 Unfortunately, at the moment there is no panacea, able to deliver us from all ills. But we can at least a little bit to help your body in an effort to be healthy and strong by using smehoterapii.

Several centuries ago, the famous scientist Hippocrates in his treatises suggested using laughter as a therapeutic agent. In our days exploring the benefits of laughter science called "geotologiya", which has already proved a positive effect of laughter on the physiological state of a person.

We begin to possess the ability to laugh along with the ability to speak. Most often, laugh, of course, children who are able to do so up to three hundred times a day. When a child adapts to society, he begins to smile and laugh less (a maximum of ten or fifteen times a day). Scientists have proved that not all laughter is useful, for example, sad, cynical, scared, and other types of laughter with a negative shade is not as useful.

According to the American neurologist William Fry, laughter - a non-standard method of breathing, which increases during inspiration and expiration time is reduced, but the frequency of expiration makes it easy to completely get rid of the air. Laughter reduces stress hormones and secretes hormones that cause a feeling of satisfaction and joy.

Some scientists compare the laughter with twenty-five minutes fitness and consider it a great option for those without access to physical activity. It is proved that laughter lowers blood cholesterol levels, as well as allows the body to develop substances that relieve headaches.

Forty years ago, the Los Angeles Department of the University was opened, is exploring the possibility of laughter influence on human health, as well as the possibility of Laughter in medicine.

Scientists have identified three branches smehoterapii. The first of these appeared classic smekhoterapiya when psychologist conducts sessions with patients in different forms in which people smile and laugh. This occurs most often in the form of a conversation in which all participants tell jokes, share some funny stories from life, watching funny movies.

In rare cases, a so-called "medical clowning" when doctors arrange humorous presentation to hospital patients. The third branch of Laughter - Laughter Yoga, whose purpose - to teach the patient to laugh and smile effortlessly.

Tags: health, sick, treatment, smekhoterapiya