Is it harmful to walk on his heels

Is it harmful to walk on his heels
 Female legs in shoes with heels seem slimmer and attract attention. But in order not to harm their own feet and posture, walk on his heels need not frequently, and observing certain rules. What can be dangerous high heels?

When wearing high heel shoes weight is not distributed over the whole foot, as it should be in good condition, and proceeds solely on the sock. It threatens the possessor of fashionable footwear development of cross flatfoot. The front part of the foot blisters appear, and the thumb and the deformed image of the "bump".

Since the heel is not a reliable support for the whole body, the legs are in constant tension. This leads to convulsions and muscle pains. Particularly pronounced these symptoms in women who spend all day on their feet because of his profession - the cooks, waiters, hairdressers, etc. Because coming in shoes with heels to work, it needs to be changed to a more convenient.

With regular wearing shoes with heels in ten years may experience pain in the Achilles tendon. This tendon between the heel and calf muscles, because of the constant improper foot position, it becomes less flexible. In addition, walking in heels suffers posture that threatens subsequently pinched vertebrae and development of sciatica.

Do not wear shoes with heels for pregnant women, because they have to their own weight is added to the same weight of the child, and the connective tissues in the process of hormonal changes become more elastic. Flat because in this case is guaranteed. Besides high risk of injury.

The same is true for adolescent girls in the stage of active growth and formation.

Women with various diseases legs (varicose veins, arthritis, etc.) to walk in high heels uncomfortable, tired legs and begin to whine in a very short time.

Being overweight is also a contraindication to wear high heel shoes. As in the case of pregnancy, in this case there is an excessive load on front part of the foot and leg muscles.

Tags: heel shoes, wearing