How to prevent the spring beriberi

How to prevent the spring beriberi
 With the coming of spring, the body runs out of reserves accumulated in the autumn of nutrients and gradually begins to feel the urgent need for them. A change of natural rhythms, for which he has not kept pace, making it even weaker. As a result, despite the beauty of springtime, the man is far from flourishing, and this is due to vitamin deficiency. However, this condition is easily prevented if the spring to prepare in advance.
 Due to the change of jet lag and beriberi in spring body is under constant physical and emotional fatigue. But in this season of the year fully compensate for a deficiency of vitamins can not even vegetables and fruits. Therefore, without multivitamin preparations in the spring can not do. However, some products may still be useful for the organism.

Around the middle of winter in the diet should include cereals, honey, dried fruit, herb, onion, garlic, sauerkraut, bran and rye bread. They contain all the substances necessary for the nervous system, which in the spring is exhausted and becomes unstable. Especially useful porridge made from corn, barley, rye, wheat germ and buckwheat. Equally important are the foods rich in calcium: raw vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.

With increased mental workload is useful on a daily basis to eat 4-5 walnut kernels and almonds. Also for the brain and nervous system need saltwater fish. It contains essential omega-3 and omega-6.

Spring must do everything to facilitate the absorption of nutrients, but it should rid the body of toxins accumulated over the winter and mucus. A helps in this room, exercise and daily use to 2-2, 5 liters of water, including freshly made juices and vitamin drinks.

With loss of strength or weakness of the strong energy drink helps. In an equal amount of lemon juice, orange and grapefruit added the same amount of warm water and 2 tsp honey. Daily use it restores strength, elevates mood and eliminate lack of vitamin C.

No less useful broth hips. You can drink it in combination with other medicinal plants: St. John's wort, devyasilom, eucalyptus, nettle, yarrow, chamomile. To avoid damage to the tooth enamel, this drink should be consumed through a straw cocktail.

To the weather and season changes the body adapts with difficulty and reacts to this worsening of the disease, vitamin deficiency and depression. But if it is strengthened by the power of vitamins, efficient work and rest, then a change of jet lag will be held for him is not so noticeable.

Tags: rose, load, lack of vitamin, vitamin deficiency, broth, deficit