How to maintain health

How to maintain health
 The most valuable thing a man can have - it is his health. But to keep it for years to come, you must constantly protect and strengthen it in different ways and methods. A reward for your time and money is good health and good looks.  
 The basis of good health is a lot of factors, but the main ones are the movement, food and cleanliness.

To preserve the health must adhere to the principles of healthy and seasonal food. At various times, the solar energy is distributed unevenly and this affects the state of internal organs, making them in some segments, the weaker. But with the help of the correctness of the menu, you can keep them at the proper level. For example, in the winter weakened heart, so the food must be rich in potassium. Spring is considered the most vulnerable respiratory system. For it to be useful heat and warming procedures. In the summer should take care of the kidney. Autumn special support needs liver.

In addition to seasonal food needs to be paid attention to the quality of food. The diet should be no harmful products: genetically modified or flavor enhancers containing substitutes color, odor, and preservatives. During cooking, it should take into account compatibility and capabilities in the use of the digestive system, ie, do not overeat because a stable weight is a necessary component of the foundation of good health.

To preserve the beauty and youth need constant movement. Without it, the body will not benefit even the healthy food and fresh air. After all, exercise activates the blood and lymphatic system, providing them with the help of every cell with oxygen, new food and releasing it at the same time from harmful products of metabolism. Furthermore sufficient physical activity supports the normal condition of blood vessels, and therefore many body systems, ensuring their unhindered blood supply.

Negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, arrogance, and have an adverse effect on the appearance and the internal state of the body. Therefore, the spiritual cleansing of the body is just as important as the physical. The latter admits even the official medicine. The body needs regular release of toxins, toxins, acids, salts, which daily poison it with their presence and hinder the normal course of metabolic processes. Main cleansing must occur in the intestines and liver, then these bodies do not have to fight endlessly formed slag, and their work will focus on the recovery of the body.

Tags: body, beauty, health, nutrition, care, cleansing the body, youth, conservation