How to improve circulation

How to improve circulation
 When poor circulation cardiovascular system is unable to provide sufficient blood supply to tissues and organs. Over time, this leads to shortness of breath, tachycardia, edema, cold feeling in hands and feet. The first step is to treat the underlying condition that caused these symptoms. In complex therapy also includes drugs that improve blood circulation. But in the early stages of circulatory disorders is advisable to use non-pharmacological methods.
 Daily exercise

Normal blood circulation is impossible without physical activity. The simplest and most accessible type of load is normal walking. Walk should be given at least half an hour a day. Good swimming improves blood circulation, which also has a general strengthening effect on the body. Swimming is desirable to engage in twice a week for 45 minutes. At home, you can do such simple exercises to improve circulation as "bicycle", the rotational movement of the feet and hands, lifting on socks, compression and unclamping the fingers and toes, etc.

Healthy lifestyle

Overeating, smoking and drinking is very bad for the state of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, to improve blood circulation is necessary to normalize your weight, give up the alcohol and cigarettes. It is advisable to use only healthy foods: whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Must be present in the diet of meat, poultry and fish, but only in the form of a cooked or baked. Sweets should be replaced with natural honey and dried fruits. Butter and puff pastries, sausages, meats, fatty broth, all kinds of canned food, as well as strong tea and coffee should be eliminated altogether.

Water Treatments

Excellent means of contributing to the improvement of blood circulation, is a douche. Procedure should start with hot water. When the body warms up, it is necessary to rub the skin hard sponge. Then you need some time to stand under cool water. Douches also can be taken several times alternating hot and cold water. In addition to the contrast shower improves circulation water procedures is soaring in the bath and sauna.

Tags: exercise, improvement, blood circulation, the drug