Facts and myths about sleep

Facts and myths about sleep
 Sleep - the most pleasant and necessary for any man, because you will feel no better when it is insufficient. And as much as there are various myths and rumors about the dream. This mysterious sphere so sometimes entails its mysteries. And what we know about sleep reliably? What is the truth and what is fiction?

You can often hear that the more tired during the day people, the stronger he will sleep. But it is not so, because in the excited state after a hard day can be difficult to fall asleep. Be sure to bedtime to relax and unwind, cease their activity. Overexcitation - the enemy of good sleep.

There is also the assertion that older people sleep less and get up early, because they need less time to sleep. Know that this is another myth, because they need to sleep as much as any adult person, from seven to nine hours, it just is not easy to sleep, and comorbid conditions are not conducive to improving the quality of sleep. But children need to sleep longer than adults, about ten hours a day. Meanwhile, an adult of life for good and sometimes missing six hours of daily sleep. And, keep in mind that sleep does not need a short time, and once at least six or eight hours. The only way your body can recover.

Working TV or even poor lighting harm restful sleep.

But talk about the fact that people working in shifts at night, does not have a good night's sleep - just talk. The human body adapts to the specific mode of sleep and wakefulness. Therefore, if these people rest not day and night, but need eight hours, they are quite sufficient for the functioning of the body's sleep. The main thing - go to bed at the same time.

Snoring, which occurs during sleep, is a signal, raises questions about their health and undergo a medical examination. Heroic snoring, of course, not a sign of good health.

Did you know that sleep consists of slow and fast phases? And it was during the slow phase of sleep in humans occurs snoring.

Without sleep people can not exist. There is evidence that the greatest number of days that could hold people without sleep - is eighteen days. At this time, he felt bad. Not in vain believe that good sleep - a pledge of good health.

Tags: true, a dream, a fact, a myth