Everything about neyrobike

Everything about neyrobike
 Neyrobika is a very simple set of exercises aimed at to increase the efficiency of our brain, give him the energy to significantly improve memory.  

Many call neyrobiku kind of aerobic exercise for the human brain. This is probably due to the fact that if you break the term composition, it turns out that neyrobika - a special neural aerobics. Our brains can work long and hard, but like all over our body, he always needs help, charging, training. Anyone, even a very good athlete is unable to maintain a beautiful shape without regular exercise. The same thing happens with our brain. Neyrobika created for just that "recharge" the brain, giving him a kind of push forward so that he could use more of their neurons. The author of this neural charging is an American neuroscientist Lawrence Katz.

Neyrobnaya technique differs significantly from all of these techniques. And its main difference is that its main aim is to use all five senses of man, rather than the selection of any one or more. Moreover, the technique proposes the use of all of the five senses in a rather unusual for their combinations. Such new and unusual combinations in the brain contribute to the creation of new associations and associative links that connect different kinds of information.

Neurotrophin - a substance that is produced by the human brain during processing of new unusual associations. It is a substance capable of causing the growth of nerve cells.

This principle underlies the neyrobiki. Namely, an attempt to change the usual routine vision of the world, people and their actions in anything unusual, unusual, very unexpected, barely beginning to understand. Only in this way is likely to "shake" all five senses at once, make them work in combination with each other and moreover, at full capacity.

What we do every day, do the same, without making any significant changes, adverse effects on the brain, on his health. The only way out - new experience. They can serve as the best exercise to your brain.

Not all and not always possible to change the situation and to provide themselves with new, unfamiliar and unusual experiences. Neyrobika is designed to help those who are not able to handle himself. Methodology neyrobiki certainly affect change your habitual lifestyle and give you a lot of new experiences.

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