Algorithm full sleep

Algorithm full sleep
 Sleep is essential to the human body is not less than the food or air, because it allows the body to restore previously wasted energy and resources. Not everyone can say that getting up in the morning from the bed, feeling rested. After all, is not enough just to sleep. The ability to fully sleep over the years is proving more and more important.  

All sleep differently. Someone to completely relax, requires at least 9 hours, and someone enough and 4-5. It's hard to stick with the strict framework, because everyone lives in their particular rhythm, and the need for sleep, each determined quite individually. If you get up every day at 6 am, and on weekends allow yourself to sleep till noon, there is nothing unusual, but if even after a long sleep, you feel tired, and you can guard. Lingering fatigue may well have a symptom of a disease.

Normally the body to rest, enough from 6 to 9 hours. Sleep, like most occurring in your body processes, often focused on your internal biological clock. Accustomed to go to bed and get up every day at the same time, you will greatly facilitate the transition itself from wakefulness to sleep and vice versa. But if some days you sleep longer than usual, do not worry. Organism undergoes periodic lack of sleep, is able to fill it without any harm to yourself.

The key to healthy sleep is cool fresh air. Without the flow of oxygen the body can not recover as a result, in the room with stale air, you will not feel rested even after sleeping 8-10 hours.

A full stomach is also not conducive to healthy sleep. We can say that the present you fall asleep only when the time to digest all the food and to digest certain foods may need up to 6 hours, which will be stolen from sleep.

Not peretruzhdaetsya eyes and head before going to bed. Computer games, television shows are loaded beyond measure brain, he can not sleep until you digest all the information received. Hours spent on this, too, will have to be subtracted from the total sleep time.

So try to go to bed at the same time, make sure that after dinner held at least 2-3 hours before bedtime take a walk, read a book, take a relaxing bath, ventilate the room. If after this you will not be sleeping like a baby, consult your doctor so that he found out why you can not fully sleep.

Tags: strength, sleep duration, the algorithm