12 imperceptible steps to appreciable health

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 How often do some subtle little things affect our lives. But sometimes it is minor, sometimes even absurd at first glance, the action can change everything around us and ourselves as well. And no need to fantasize, to invent something incredible to be happier, healthier, more beautiful. Sometimes you just need to change some habits.

If plagued by problems with excess weight and speed dial calories, you can save an apple, eaten 15 minutes before a meal. Then during the meal you eat less than about 190 calories.

If you constantly every day repeating the same monotonous actions, it can lead to depression, a severe headache or other disorders of your body. And to somehow start to get rid of automatic actions can be, for example, start brushing your teeth with the other hand. It is, moreover, affect the improvement of memory and lift your spirits.

Avid coffee drinkers the risk of high cholesterol if they drink unfiltered coffee. According to scientists, this contributes to the content of substances such as terpenes, oily coffee beans. Therefore, it is desirable in the preparation of the coffee to pass it through a filter.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Especially considering that on the shelves now abounds fat and unhealthy food. And it can lead to cirrhosis, even if you do not drink alcohol. Very useful for the liver is nuts.

It is important to catch my rhythm of life. A great motivator to action - correctly picked the tempo. Music in general strongly influences the state of mind of the person. And the fact that our physical condition depends on the emotional, it is no secret.

That day was the most productive, do not need right away, as soon as the alarm rings, jump up and run to the bathroom. It is better to give your body the 5 minutes to "gather strength", a sweet stretch and smile new day. And it is important to have a plan in advance of action, then, instead of problems head begins to think over their decision and not let fall into a depression from pulled hard difficulty. Assembled condition will affect not only the success in business, but also on your physical health.

Get rid of unpleasant memories, which can cause a bad mood and develop into a variety of diseases. To do this, you can search through your closet and throw things associated with some unpleasant events, or cycle through old letters and photos.

Of course, an obvious cause harm to the body, nicotine and alcohol. And even if you eat it in small amounts, then sooner or later these habits will be felt negatively.

Do light exercises in the morning and start a small gym or a jog in the evening. It will always keep your body in good shape, and prevent many diseases.

A very beneficial effect on our body dousing with cold water. Improves the appearance of the skin, and thus mood and health. And, tempering his body, at times you reduce the chances of colds.

To get rid of back pain, it is possible to download the press. And it can be done directly on the way to work. You just need to take a deep breath, draw the navel and count to five. Repeat need ten to twenty times.

Healthy food with taste umami. This is the fifth taste, in addition to an outdoor scientists sour, sweet, bitter and salty. If you try to describe it, the more appropriate comparison with meat or bulonnosolonovatym. He is in algae, mushrooms, cheese, in fish. It is proved that umami is a feeling of satiety, even if there is a low-calorie food.

Tags: image, health, change, tastes, life, step