10 habits that will help you live to be 100 years old

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 If your plans include live, at least a hundred years old, but your relatives were not long-lived, that is no reason to be upset. Compliance with just a few rules to help you closer to your goal.

1. More traffic. Physical activity - the fountain of youth. Not necessarily to buy a subscription to a fitness center, just to walk more and, if possible, replace the elevator to walk the stairs. Before you leave work at two stops before, so you warm up the muscles and lift your mood for the day.

2. Work. Pension - not an option for long life. It is proved that retired people are more passive and indifferent. Takes longer garden. If this is not for you, then try to get a job, even if the salary is not too high.

3. Do not forget to floss. Studies have shown that its use substantially reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. Bacteria trapped in the circulation can cause a variety of inflammatory formation in the arteries, thereby provoking the risk of heart disease.

4. Sleep at least six hours. With each additional hour of sleep added few years of life.

5. Eat more cereal for breakfast rich in fiber. So you keep your blood sugar constant throughout the day.

6. Eat more foods without additives. Less eat white foods. Eliminate the flour, sugar, bread. Include in your diet colored vegetables, dark whole grain bread and cereals.

7. Less nerves. Proved, people who live a long life, do not take to heart every detail and calmly respond to external stimuli. If you can not boast of such a feature, then try to do yoga, meditation or just more often distracted from routine.

8. Make a schedule. How messy is your life, the more you are exposed to various diseases and ailments in old age. Centenarians are usually boast a strict daily routine, they get up and go at a certain time, breakfast, lunch, dinner on schedule. This habit will keep your body in balance.

9. Follow the example of Seventh-day Adventists. The principles of this religion are aimed at taking care of your body. Do not smoke, drink, eat vegetarian food, beans, nuts, active in sports. Also check out the family and society.

10. Communicate. Positive contacts contribute to a good mood and, as a consequence, the extension of life.

Tags: habit