To enhance immunity is important healthy bowel. After all, the beneficial bacteria that inhabit it, provide a degree of protection of the organism. In the course of its life activity they stimulate the production of interferon - a protective substance. To maintain intestinal microflora useful regularly consume dairy products, especially yogurt and preferably 1-2 hours before bedtime.
To increase the body's resistance, it is necessary to purify it from the annual waste and 1 day a week for 24 hours to refrain from any kind of food. These measures help to purify the blood and lymph of toxic products, radionuclides, fat, cholesterol, insulin and glucose. Poisoning causes their accumulation of lymphocytes, resulting in developing metabolic immunosuppression.
The immune system reacts to unfavorable external and internal factors, such as poisoning, stress, physical and mental strain, exposure to cold, a variety of infections and related intoxication. Accordingly, another way to increase immunity is to eliminate these factors and their prevention in the future.
To strengthen the immune system must be periodically flow of natural antibiotics, vitamins, minerals, volatile. They are present mainly in plant foods: fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, garlic, onions, green tea, decoction of herbs.
To maintain immunity requires restful sleep. Chronic lack of sleep causes nervous and physical exhaustion. In turn, the response to these conditions will decrease the body's defenses.
Using all of the above ways to increase immunity, it is impossible to fully consolidate it without exercise. Reducing muscle moves the lymph, which displays the body of harmful substances, so that does not weaken immunity.
Under the influence of unfavorable factors of the immune system may vary. But if it regularly to strengthen and support, the decline in own defense forces will be negligible.