Vietnamese massage, or Dam Thief

Vietnamese massage, or Dam Thief
 Vietnamese massage technique Dam Bop, as well as other Asian techniques, based on the harmonization of the energy and physical characteristics of the human body. The traditional use of aromatic oil compositions improves procedures and promotes deep relaxation.  

Activating the energy channels, the therapist seeks to remove toxins, improve circulation and increase the outflow bodices (almost ten times) - swelling disappear, the skin becomes elastic. By adjusting the pressing force can achieve different effects - stroking and flowing movements promote relaxation and help to eliminate the strong pressing pain and harmonize the mental state (by acting on nerve receptors).

Vietnamese massage - one of the most popular varieties of spa treatments. Through the use of light spectra balanced emotional state is achieved stimulation of organs and systems, improves brain activity.

Bioenergy potential of Vietnamese massage is high - it not only makes you feel good at the time of the procedure, but also has a sustained action over a few days. This is a great technique for rejuvenating the body, removing the effects of stress, general health.

Masseur action when performing massage the Vietnam contain all conventional techniques - stroking, pressing varying degrees of depth, kneading energy points for a certain time, and so forth. All the movements are carried out from left to right, or involved joints fingertips brush.

Begins with the study of the body massage head, then worked out the neck muscles, gradually proceeds to the processing of the shoulder girdle. Massage therapist works on every muscle, achieving its full relaxation, and then increasing muscle tone. Due to the active work of the cervical relieves symptoms of osteoarthritis, the blood is able to flow freely to the enlarged blood vessels, which leads to improved supply to the brain.

One of the nice results Vietnamese massage (subject to regular sessions) is to improve the condition of the skin. Cells and tissues of the skin get extra food by improving microcirculation and capillary opening previously dormant.

The main contraindications: severe systemic diseases, infectious diseases, pregnancy and allergic reactions to the supporting material.

Tags: massage techniques