SPA at home

 Sure, you'd love went to the SPA-center or even greater pleasure went to the resort. But let's say, for this is neither possible nor time ...

In category Beauty: Cosmetics for teeth

What to do? To give up on his hand and wait, when finally got to get to a salon, or take a vacation? Do not get discouraged!

Elementary, but more effective than SPA-procedures you may well conduct themselves. To do this, you do not need any special equipment or a lot of time or the fabulous facilities. The key to health and beauty is always at hand!


The ancient Greek poet Evrepid said that "water washes per person all ills." Where else wash them as not in a hot bath? If you add in the water decoction of herbal essential oil or sea salt, you can relax after a hard day, relieve stress, improve health, and improve skin tone. From the bath you will leave rejuvenated and full of vitality!


Treatment of smell is not only very fashionable thing, but also very useful. Not for nothing because our ancestors widely used spices and flavors gave the sacred meaning. The molecules of essential oils act on the limbic system of the brain that is responsible for the emergence of emotions.

Thus, the flavors can cheer us or soothe, or add energy to help sleep soundly. It all depends on what kind of essential oil you choose. For example, orange flavor improves mood, relieves muscle spasms, normalizes metabolism and warms, and the sweet smell of herbal chamomile soothes, helps fight allergies, acts as an antiseptic.

In addition, essential oils are beneficial to the skin: they remove fill and edema, smooth wrinkles.


Bath anciently considered a remedy for all ills. When clinics and SPA-salons was not yet in sight, people followed the health and beauty of it is there. This is not surprising, because there is nothing that cleanses the body as a bath.

Whether you choose a sauna, steam room or traditional Russian Turkish hamam, in any case, make you feel better, will be a step to restore proper blood circulation and immunity. A healing essential oils and fragrant twigs of birch, eucalyptus or limes will help to relax and beat stress.

If after the sauna you carefully wipe the snow, no lifts and lifting means you do not need: the skin ceases more elastic, its tone rises. Would be superfluous and peeling, which is perfect for example, coffee - the substances contained in it, actively struggling with cellulite.

However, do not forget about the dangers inherent in the bath. Unaccustomed to the body heat and sudden temperature drop when dipping into the hole are a serious strain on the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, in order not to risk your health, it is necessary to accustom the body to the bath slowly and gradually.


Thalassotherapy in Greek means "treating the sea." Since ancient times, people valued his life-giving force. If you live close to this "free verse", then you are lucky enough! After all, our planet is difficult to find such a source of trace elements and iodine.

Healing and water, and algae and mud, and the air and sand. Thus, marine clay softens the skin, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Even small round pebbles can be useful if reheat them and use for massage, it improves blood circulation and improve skin tone.

Light therapy

Spend most of the day at the office, lit lamps, even the highest quality - a direct path to depression and poor health. The human body needs sunlight! Especially hard for us without him in the late autumn and winter.

Because of cloudy weather reduced immunity, there is a feeling of chronic fatigue. How to deal with it? If you get a sunny day, do not sit at home, go on nature walk, that is, as you can spend more time in daylight.

Through the retina it acts on the hypothalamus and pineal gland in the brain, which increases serotonin. This material is not for nothing called "happiness hormone" because serotonin strengthens the nervous system, cures depression, charges vigor and improves mood. In addition, during walks you compensate for the lack of oxygen in the body.