Herbal teas for the bath

Herbal teas for the bath
 Taking a bath with herbal decoctions helps to cleanse the skin, improve blood circulation and metabolism, and thanks to the aroma of summer herbs to get rid of nervous stress. The healing properties of herbs make this procedure simply irreplaceable in the winter.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary to follow certain rules. Before going into the bath, you need to take a shower to cleanse the skin. It is important to remember that bath of decoction should be taken no earlier than two hours after a meal, and no later than one hour before bedtime. Its temperature should not exceed 37C. Not to get a negative effect, head and heart area must always keep above water. You can not take a bath more than once a week.

Those who have problems with insomnia, whose nervous system is prone to overstimulation, you should consider the use of bathtubs softened sunflower seeds (50 g), calamus rhizomes (100 g) and valerian dosage (150 g). Place the herbs in a pot and fill with boiling water (2 L). Cook for about 10 minutes, insist 20 minutes, strain the broth. In the bath, pour water, add back the broth and stir. Are in the water for 10 minutes. Rest after a bath must be at least 40 minutes.

One of the baths is considered restorative bath with nettle. The crushed leaves Nettle pour boiling water, leave for about an hour, filter and add the water. Because nettle has the properties reduce inflammation, such baths are indicated for people suffering from diseases of the joints, as well as those who have the inflammation of the skin. In addition, this "green" bath able to relieve fatigue and improve overall body tone.

Very often in winter and spring, many people complain of itching. This is due to vitamin deficiency, so the next collection of herbs effectively helps to get rid of skin problems. It is necessary to mix 100 grams of burdock root, 150 g of leaves and flowers of mullein and 200 g of chamomile. Pour mixture in two liters of water. Boil for 15 minutes and strain the broth. Pour the water, its temperature must not exceed 34 ° C, and add the broth. All carefully stir. In the bath need to be no more than 20 minutes, then need to rest for half an hour. Take a bath twice a day until you stop itching.

For children, the replacement of manganese baths are baths with birch leaves, marjoram, nettle leaves and succession.

Tags: bath, herb, nettle, property, collection, acceptance