Snake Massage

Snake Massage
 Skydiving, dangerous rides, swimming with sharks - on that just do not go adrenaline lovers to tickle your nerves. Especially for thrill SPA-salons offer a completely new exotic treatments - snake massage.
 Most people love massage and instinctively afraid of snakes. And this is understandable, because many of their species are deadly to humans. However, long known that snakes and their metabolic products can be effectively used for health purposes.

The best thing about the healing properties of snakes known to the Chinese. A few centuries ago, they used the snake venom and bile to treat arthritis, eye infections, fever, high blood pressure and many other diseases.
Some time ago, snakes found another use - they are used for massage. "Snake Massage" - sounds strange and even a little scary, but those who have tried this procedure on yourself, say that she has a truly magical calming and relaxing effect.

Unfortunately, the Russian SPA-salons such a service is not yet available, so that those who dare to try to imagine a snake massage, have to go to the northern part of Israel, where only $ 80 you can experience the effectiveness of this unusual procedure.

The idea massage with snakes first came up with the mistress of one of the Israeli beauty salons Ada Barak. The woman noticed that wearing a small home snake around his neck helps her cope with a headache, as well as relieve stress after a hard day. As the first "test" Hell has used his friends, and having received from them rave reviews about the snake massage, decided to offer this service to the public.

For exotic massage using four types of non-poisonous snakes: snake, python, runner and royal snake. Small snakes lightly knead the superficial muscles, and then connect to the procedure of large snakes, which affect the deep muscle groups.

The essence of the procedure is quite simple: six snakes in a tangle placed on the back of the client. During the procedure, reptiles sprawl all over the body while massaging the various muscle groups. Specially trained person to monitor the behavior of snakes and returns them back.

Duration of treatment is about 80 minutes. Decide on a massage with snakes is not easy, but even such an unusual method of relaxation has found many admirers, massage helps not only to relax but also to get rid of joint pain and headaches.

Tags: massages, spa, use