How do anti-cellulite massage cupping

How do anti-cellulite massage cupping
 The most problematic places on the female figure are considered the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, this is where the bulk of the accumulated fat. And here there is cellulite, fat bumps that turn the skin into the "orange peel". Women have come up with many ways to fight cellulite, one of the most effective is cupping massage.
 Banks massage slightly different from conventional medical. They are made of silicone and have a wide neck. The vacuum that occurs during a massage increases blood circulation, speed recovery and metabolic processes, so it has an impact not only on the fatty tissue, but also rejuvenates the skin.

Most can massage do a little uncomfortable. But those who are not afraid of some difficulties, can successfully cope at home. To achieve tangible results need 10-15 sessions. Applied to the skin anti-cellulite massage oil (in its absence, you can use a simple vegetable oil). Now, the skin should be slightly warm, soft massaging movements.

Massage banks need a little compressed and glued to the surface of the skin. Because the bank will move, it is desirable that it has been drawn into no more than 1, 5 cm of the skin. This will enable the bank to move smoothly and continuously. Massage movements should coincide with the lines of veno-lymphatic drainage: on the abdomen along the costal arches from the center toward the back, the hips from the bottom up from the knees to the buttocks in the transverse direction. Due to the fact that the bank does not separate from the body, the movement will be radial, but the latter should always be in the direction of lymphatic drainage.

When can massage arises heat, moderate pain and burning, and after the first treatment possible minor hemorrhage. Duration of one session of 15 minutes, then it is good to relax and unwind. Conversations better repeated every one to two days or every day, but in different parts of the body.

Despite the usefulness and effectiveness of canned massage, there are contraindications: inflammation of the skin, varicose veins, exacerbation of osteoarthritis and rheumatism, thrombosis, blood diseases, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

In order to maintain the obtained effect anti-cellulite massage cupping definitely need to supplement a proper diet, drinking large amounts of clean water and exercise. The course itself massage should be repeated no earlier than 6 months.

Tags: Massage, Wrestling