Bath of youth and beauty

Bath of youth and beauty
 Taking a bath - one of the most useful and accessible water treatments. In the entire history of mankind has accumulated a huge amount of recipes healing and rejuvenating baths, which are relevant today. With these recipes, so simple hygienic necessity, like taking a bath, can turn into a cosmetic or therapeutic measures.

While taking a bath temperature changes of the body, relaxes the nervous system and normalizes metabolism. Using a variety of natural supplements for a bath, you can improve the immune system, as well as improve the appearance, mood and health.

If you want to take a bath in cosmetic or therapeutic purposes, you must adhere to certain rules:

1. First Wash well in the shower, and then take a bath. Nutrients better penetrate the skin clean.

2. The water level after your immersion in the bath should not exceed the bottom line of the chest. That is the area of ​​the heart should be above the water.

3. The need to take a bath or before eating or 2 hours thereafter.

4. If you have cardiovascular disease or nervous system, do not take a bath, the water temperature exceeds 40 degrees.

5. To load is not too heart is in the bathroom need not more than 20-25 minutes.

Herbal baths

Therapeutic and cosmetic effect in the first place have baths with different herbal decoctions. To prepare the herbal bath, take 200 grams of grass and fill it with 5 liters of boiling water. After two hours, strain the infusion and pour it into a hot bath.

Grass should be selected in accordance with the fact what effect you want to achieve. Pine baths, for example, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve mood, help fight inflammation and eliminate pain, lilies and promote rapid healing of wounds, improve sleep and reduce allergy symptoms, mint well relax and relieve a migraine attack, and sage are useful in diseases of the bone -Muscular and nervous system.

Bath with essential oils

Pronounced cosmetic and curative effect also have many natural essential oils. Lavender, for example, has a disinfecting action and eliminates sleep normalizes alarm lemon helps to reduce high blood pressure, relieves symptoms of rheumatism and gout, orange produces powerful anti-cellulite effect and patchouli oil increases libido and body toning.

Essential oils are poorly soluble in water, so the bath prior to adding them to be diluted in a glass of milk or cream 50 ml two tablespoons cosmetic vegetable oils, such as almond or peach. As the solvent for the essential oil can also be used sea salt. For this essential oil drip salt crystals, and then dissolve it in water. To one bath will be sufficient from 3 to 5 drops of an essential oil.

Cleopatra bath

Famous for its beauty legendary Egyptian queen loved to take milk-honey baths. Her recipe can be successfully applied in our day. Preheat 1 liter of milk (you can use goat or cow), dissolve it in 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon of cream and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil cosmetic (eg, almond, peach or apricot). Add the mixture in hot water (the ideal temperature is 37 degrees), and take a bath for 20 minutes.

Tags: oil, bath, beauty, youth, acceptance, Cleopatra, additive