Anti-cellulite massage at home

Anti-cellulite massage at home
 According to some psychologists cellulite refers to the secondary sexual characters. That's why men are substantially independent of such a problem. According to doctors, cellulite can occur in every woman, regardless of her age and lifestyle. But in fact, enough to give this issue only 15 minutes a day to always look toned and slim.

Chief assistant in the fight against orange peel - anti-cellulite massage. You can spend such a procedure and in the cabin, and at home. Before starting the massage, you must wash your hands at the same time necessarily in hot water, so that they can properly warm up. It is desirable to eliminate the use of creams and essential oils, as the hands will slide, and the result of the massage will be less effective. The force with which you will be doing massage, determine for themselves, the main thing - it must be deep.

Start doing massage immediately with two hands, smoothing cellulite areas. Thumbs when it is necessary to take in hand, and the other hand to drive on problem areas. Next, the surface of the palm must grind all the bumps, and then begin intensive spiral motion with his fist. Pull the skin slightly, shifting it in different directions.

Next, proceed to the kneading so-called fat capsules. To do this, grab the skin between thumb and forefinger, a little pull and release. Do this slowly, but pull the skin for long.

Now proceed to the tumbleweed. Rolls should be implemented in an upward direction, squeezing the skin with your fingers. Working all the problem areas, while maintaining continuity. From the first time the skin may be difficult to resist rolling, but with each subsequent procedure, you will get to do rolls better and better. Now take a few ribs of palms pat. In the case of the weakened capillaries of these movements should be avoided. Log off the application to the skin of anti-cellulite cream.

In the fight against cellulite along with massage may help also perfectly ordinary douche. Start with these procedures, first with warm water, gradually moving to the cold. Massage for 10-15 seconds problem areas with water. Check douches should be hot water, then you need to be pounded with a towel.

Do not forget at least once a week to pamper yourself baths with sea salt. She does not just cleanse the skin, but also improve blood circulation.

Tags: domestic, condition, cellulite, massage area