Anti-cellulite massage and exercises for thighs Beauty

Anti-cellulite massage and exercises for thighs Beauty
 Cellulite - a dangerous enemy of women's appearance. From it is not insured or lush Laughs or slender beauty. There are several reasons for the appearance of "orange peel": stress, poor diet, bad habits, hormonal failure, sedentary lifestyle, etc. Get rid of cellulite exercises will help to strengthen the muscles of the hips and corrective massage.  

Anti-cellulite massage performed by a specialist at least 2 times a week. The first 2 - 3 treatments are quite painful and leave bruises on memory, but further sessions have been held for more than nice. This is due to the effect of habituation of the skin to mechanical impact hand massage. Anti-cellulite massage is aimed at breaking bumps that form cellulite. After several sessions the skin becomes smooth and gets healthy hue. Anti-cellulite massage - one of the most effective means of getting rid of the "orange peel".

If you apply the massage combined with exercise, the process of getting rid of cellulite will occur more rapidly. So you not only will remove unsightly bumps, but also build up myself pretty slim hips with a nice muscular relief. You can do fitness as a specialized sports center and at home. Every 2 - 3 days perform strength exercises listed below.

Stand up straight, feet together, arms along the body. On the exhale, lower your upper body down, put his hands on the floor about a foot. On the inhale, bend your knees and squat down, being careful not to tear the heel off the floor. On the exhale, lift your hips up again, straightening the knees, hands at the same time remain on the floor. Do at least 25 sit-ups. With breath through a rounded back, lift the body up.

Sit on the floor, hands extend forward, straighten your legs. Squeeze your buttocks, navigate to them in small steps forward. 2 meters change direction back in the same way, only backwards.

Lie on your stomach, put his hands under the brow. On the inhale, lift your right leg up, directing sock on the floor. On the exhale, lower leg, but do not touch the surface. Make another 30 lifts and repeat left foot.

Stand up straight, hands on his belt. On the exhale, lift up your right leg, bending the knee and pulling it to his chest. At the same time tighten the foot and sock to send itself. On the inhale put your foot on the floor. Alternately lift is right, then the left leg up. Make exercise 20 times with each leg.

Tags: cellulite massage, beauty, hip, exercise