It turns out that due toHand Massage improves blood circulation and activates the movement of lymph, sebaceous and sweat glands. This has a positive impact on the skin of the hands, because there are so few sebaceous glands, so the skin there is more dry, and therefore unprotected. Self-massage of hands is not only useful for the skin, but also to restore functionality of the hands, strengthen joints and ligaments. It also helps to reduce pain and swelling after injury. After prolonged physical exertion, when the hands are very tired, the best way to bring them strength - a massage. In general, it has a positive effect on the entire body.
Self-massage of hands You can do it every time after a manicure when the hands moisturizing cream or oil. Vegetable oil or cream is rubbed lightly from the fingertips to the ground, and then continued to stroke the wrist, elbow, and down to the shoulder. Massage the fingers and hands need special care, because according to oriental medicine to brush projected all organs of the body, and by acting on certain acupressure points palms, we have a positive influence on the authorities.Hand Massage helps to regulate the operation of all systems and internal organs. It helps to get rid of fatigue, is effective as a preventive treatment for the treatment of various diseases. You can make easy and quick massage in the morning as you wake up, to cheer up, day to relieve fatigue, and in the evening - to relax.
Please note that massage is contraindicated in the fact that those who have inflammatory or pustular skin lesions, fractures, wounds and abrasions on the skin. Women's magazine JustLady already talked about what you can do baths and masks for hands cracked and peeling. Take advantage of them, and bring the skin in order, and then you can do massage.
Only mastering the technique of self-massage, you need to keep track of your feelings massage should be moderately strong, but cause only pleasant sensations. There should be no discomfort, pain, and after the massage in any case be bruising. Take a leisurely massage to master the technique of motion. In the morning, when you want to wake up and cheer up, do a vigorous massage for 1-3 minutes in the evening massage should be deeper, duration 5-10 minutes. To make it easier to massage your hands, brush brush with vegetable oil - it will be doubly useful procedure. Do massage in a position where your hands are the most relaxed.
Technique of self-massage of hands from the magazine JustLady:
• grindings. Rub the palm of one another, back of the hand gently massage the second. In general, these movements should remind handwashing: soft, careful strokes. After a few minutes rubbing can be more active.
• Warm up the joints. Slowly squeeze your fingers into a fist, and then just as slowly unclenched, repeat 10 times. The second time you perform the same exercise, only unclench your fingers with greater force. Then start to knead each joint of each finger: massage them in a circular motion. Make a circular motion of each brush, alternating left and right. Then repeat the exercise on the compression and unclamping fingers. Move your fingers as if you're playing the piano - this is a very useful exercise.
• Massage your fingers. We start with the index finger and thumb carefully knead each finger from base to tip. Circular motions begin to massage the little finger, carefully stretching it from the first knuckle to the nail itself and back. Continue easy and free massage other fingers.
• Massage the palm. Gently mash the palm of the fingers to the wrist in a straight line. Thumb massaging the palm rest of the brush strokes on the back side.
• Repeat the first exercise: three palm of one another.
• Then start the second self-massage brush.
• Right hand slowly begins to stroke his left hand on the inside of the palm to the axilla. Then move the hand on his shoulder and carry out pumping movements from the shoulder to the back of the hand. Such
self-massage of hands do for 10 minutes. Breathe deeply when stroked his hand on the inside, and exhale when we perform on the outside.
• Easy effleurage. Repeat the previous exercise, but instead of stroking hand Tapping on the massage lines. Tapping on the outside edge of his hand carry.
• The same principle perform tingling from his hand to his armpit and back, capturing not only the skin, but pinching and stretching muscles. Repeat 10 movements on each hand.
• Finishing
hand massageOmit hands down and shake several times until they are completely relaxed.
Hand massage is much more pleasant to do, if you use a mixture of vegetable and essential oils. To learn how to make it, you can read in the women's online magazine JustLady.
Alice Terentyeva