Why is this old recipe came to our times? Because Cleopatra bath does have a beneficial effect on the skin. Its main ingredient is milk containing a large number of B vitamins penetrating into the depths of the skin, they have a tonic effect on her, smoothes the skin, eliminate wrinkles and laxity, significantly lighten dark spots. Milk perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, and vitamin E renews it, making the skin look younger.
The second component is the honey Cleopatra bath. Everybody is aware of its beneficial properties. Bath with honey nourishes the body microelements and vitamins and helps to strengthen the immune system.
Preparation Cleopatra bath
2 liters of milk fat (between 3 and 5%) to heat the room temperature. Add 4 tablespoons of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous solution. Milky-honey mixture, add the bath water a certain temperature, mix well. Cleopatra bath is ready!
British scientists of the University of Southampton on the basis of the experiments have made a number of recommendations for the most effective use of Cleopatra bath:
1. Optimum bath temperature should be 37-38 ° C. As it cools the hot water should be added to maintain this temperature.
2. immersed in a bath of Cleopatra need only to his chest. Region of the heart must be above the water.
3. Take a bath you need no more than once a week.
4. Take a bath can be 5-10 minutes, maximum - 20 minutes. If lie longer, it may adversely affect health.
5. After the bath is useful to take a cool shower.
Greater effect on Cleopatra bath can be achieved if in front of her to rub into the skin of the whole body a mixture of 350 g of sea salt and 2 cups of cream, then rinse in the shower.