With the help of massage cervical area can warm-up muscles, increase blood flow and to remove spasm, which leads to a limitation of motion in the cervical spine. Professional massage is not only for cluster Scale and cervicobrachial neuralgia, but also with nervousness, sleep disturbances, with numbness of the fingers and stress.
Before you do neck massage, you should make preparatory actions. We need to take a special cream or gel for the massage, but rather, if it is a massage oil, which provide good coupling with the skin during sliding hand massage. The man who will do massage, to sit down on a chair, comfortably placing head and hands in front of him on the table, placing them under a special cushion or pillow.
Perform massage should be phased. The first stage - stroking, which produces a wide pumping movements on the skin of the palms from the bottom up and away, with access to the shoulders. Duration stroking about fifteen minutes, and then the therapist moves to the second stage - squeezing, the duration of 5-6 minutes. Hand movements masseuse become more energetic, there is an influence on the subcutaneous connective tissue and the surface layer of muscles. Apply techniques edge of his hand, with the thumb of the hand or the base of the palm.
Next step: kneading. This is the main and the longest (about 20 minutes) phase, during which there is a profound impact on the muscles with some weights. Particular attention should be paid to the denser parts of the muscles - this is the place clips that differ in color, which in these parts paler. Check massage should be gentle movements. Upon completion of the procedure wrap the man and give it a rest for 10-15 minutes.