Uncomfortable questions: how to behave at the interview

Uncomfortable questions: how to behave at the interview
 Interview - a very important step in your life. This is a chance to build a career, which you have long dreamed of. This is an opportunity that can make you financially independent. But the employer will want to test your character, self-confidence. How to prepare for such a situation? How to stop being nervous?

There are several of the most common (and often uncomfortable) issues, which can be heard in the interview:

1. Tell us about yourself.

Simply speak for 2 minutes. Be logical. Start with your education, gently go to previous jobs. The employer simply appreciate your communication skills, the sequence of thought.

2. Why did you leave the previous job?

This is a very important question. No need to criticize your previous employer. Formulate a clear and courteous answer to why you quit. For example, "after a long involvement in the company, I found myself unable to invest in the future its forces in its development."

3. What do you consider your most significant accomplishment?

Tell us what contribution you have made to the development of the company in which he worked before. Tell me about doing heavy work pressure on the timing, maybe even how you managed to save the company from crisis or bankruptcy. But in any case, do not exaggerate the facts!

4. Why do you think that you are worthy to take this position?

Select two or three main factors related to the work and you, and which are the most relevant. Talk about them for two minutes, stopping at important details. Tell us about your technical skills, specific management skills (planning, human resources, etc.), as well as mention of the personal attributes of success.

5. What aspects of your character do you think is the most powerful?

Be prepared for this question. Remember your heart four or five key strengths. Manage to give a specific example for each of them. Select the factors that are most appropriate to the job. Most people immediately talk about "governance" or "good interpersonal skills." Leave these skills at the end of the conversation, as most employers find you boring and not creative person, if you start a conversation with them.

Be confident, and you will pass the interview successfully!

Tags: question, interview, passing