How to get a job at the FSB

How to get a job at the FSB
 Want to be a Russian Dana Scully and have all the data for this: intelligence, ingenuity, hard work and excellent physical fitness? Welcome to the work of the FSB. What other qualities should a staff member of the state security?
 Just like that, from the street, there is, of course, the person will not take. Prepare yourself for the fact that you will wait for multiple testing. Even the presence of great-uncle, was surrounded during the Great Patriotic War, can be taken on a pencil as a fact rather suspicious.

Do not believe me? Ask relatives, which in Soviet times suddenly dropped a rare opportunity to visit the capitalist countries, but never implemented. And all because hitherto unknown to them a second cousin emigrated after the October Revolution abroad. In addition, those who have relatives (close and not) are or have been in prison, too, will not be able to serve in the security forces.

Owners pristine questionnaire should take care of that, and education and training, and physical fitness were at a good level. All this, too, will be checked carefully: using tests and delivery standards.

So in terms of the health of the applicant must be fit to perform military service does not matter, man or woman (after all, women also serve in the army, and sometimes quite successfully, and the FSB has the army most relevant). Welcome and knowledge of several languages, and possession of a computer and say no: a good specialist should know him better than mediocre hacker.

However, the FSB and the lack of work in addition to information security and foreign activities. But even to the normal PC or Secretary imposed strict requirements. After the guide of where you sent the documents, read them and you brilliantly turn in all the tests and standards, will have another line. Without which, however, today, does not do the device to work in any serious organization: lie-detector test.

Someone, of course, refers to the polygraph skeptical, but rules are rules. However, if this test showed a discrepancy of some of the information provided is not really in a hurry to say goodbye to the idea of ​​working in the security services. If you are really cool specialist, then you get a job, though not without a trial period and with certain restrictions in access to information.

Tags: the work of the FSB, employment