Deal eyebrows - a couple of days before the birthday plucked them, giving the desired shape. If you want to change the length of the eyebrows, use brown pencil - light strokes to extend the line, make it a little thicker and correct bend.
Pay attention to the make-up of eyes - eyes should be open and expressive. Type in brush applicator little white pearlescent shadow and highlight a place under the eyebrows and bending to the outer edge. Good shade shades. The same shadows, highlight the inner corner of the eye in. On the upper eyelid, apply the selected palette, given the typically spectacular eye makeup - the darkest paint must lie at the outer corner of the eye and highlight the crease rolling century. Lighter shades put on the main portion of the upper eyelid. All transitions must be carefully feathered, that there are no sharp boundaries. Move the eyes dark pencil or liquid eyeliner - upper arrow will make your eyes bigger and brighter. You can use colored liner, but their color should be in harmony with the basic scheme and a touch of mascara. Mascara is better to use extends or bulk, apply it in two layers.
Blush will make your face fresh and give the desired hue cheeks, slightly lifting them and changing the face oval. Use coral or beige shades to blush looked natural.
Lips should be plump and waves - choose the color of lipstick on the principle of makeup. If you made your eyes darker, the lips should be lighter. Emphasize the contour of the lips with a pencil that matches the color of the lipstick color - just draw a line along the contour. Give your lips volume by a layer of clear gloss.
Apply to skin a transparent or shimmering powder, spreading it wide brush.