Currently, many manufacturers produce castor oil for eyelashes in special tubes with a brush. If there is no such a brush, you can use the old tanks from the carcass. Thoroughly rinse and pour it back castor oil.
Before applying the oil, eyelashes should be well clear of cosmetics and dirt. Apply the oil must be on the tips of the middle and eyelashes every evening for 2-3 weeks, then take a break for 1 week and repeat the course if necessary. Keep the oil on my eyelashes need about 15-20 minutes, then rinse with a cotton swab. In any case can not leave the tool on the eyelashes at night, because the eyes can redden and swell.
In addition, castor oil can be used for the eyelashes even in combination with other drugs. For example, the reducing effect has splendid castor oil, mixed in equal proportions with carrot juice or rum and with aloe in a ratio of 7: 3.
Castor oil for eyelashes is contraindicated in women whose bodies are prone to allergic reactions, as the "castor oil" can cause irritation and redness.
It is also important to remember that when hit castor oil on the mucous membrane of the eye can cause unpleasant feeling as though around the pupil is thin oily foam. From such a feeling it will be very difficult to get rid of.
If castor oil is used correctly and consistently, over time you will notice that the eyelashes become thicker, longer and fluffier.