How to cure warts on hands

How to cure warts on hands
 Appearance at the hands of a tiny diameter tumor formations, without inflammatory changes, indicative of the target organism papillomavirus. Small dense nodules on their hands look unattractive and better to get rid of them.
 Warts need to accurately diagnose and make sure that it is not corn or other neoplasms. To do this, observe them for a while - if it does not change in size, color and density remain, then you can begin to remove them. Medical centers offer cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen - an area of ​​skin with a wart burned with a special tool. At the site of the burn crust is formed, which can not be separated, otherwise will remain a scar. If after the crust is no longer required, you will notice at the same place black dots or new growths, it means that the removal was not too deep, and the root of the wart is still there - will have to repeat the procedure.

Many people prefer to burn warts means at hand - the principle of operation is similar to cryotherapy, and the effect of the same household cauterization. Once a day drip to the wart vinegar - dot, careful not to damage the surrounding tissue. To do this, cut a circle in the adhesive plaster, stick it on the skin hole on the wart and drip one drop of vinegar in the center of the build-up. Instead, you can use vinegar tincture of wormwood - it lubricate the wart several times during the day. If warts several pieces, and they occupy separate areas on the hands, it is useful to make the bath with the addition of broth klopovnika seed.

Chop the fresh leaves of Kalanchoe, attach them to the wart, cover the top portion of this piece of gauze and bandage tightly. Kalanchoe can instead fill the wart crushed chalk powder. Beet juice can be taken orally and topically - drink a glass of juice on a daily basis, in parallel smearing them as warts. As caustic agents often used celandine - fresh juice of the plant is strictly necessary to spread the wart (can be purchased at the pharmacy concentrated preparation). Another valid prescription - scrape with sulfur matches, moisten it with saliva and spread the composition of all warts.

Warts often appear in the background of reduced immunity, so take vitamins. If the tests show the presence of human papilloma virus in your blood, you have to take a course of antiviral therapy.

Tags: hand wart