How to get rid of warts

How to get rid of warts
 Papilloma - a benign, the cause of which is a virus (HPV). Small soft growths similar to warts most often appear on the chest and neck, that is where the skin is particularly delicate. Although not affect papillomavirus feeling, they spoil the appearance and may cause a lot of inconvenience. It is therefore better to get rid of them, the good ways to do this quite a lot.
 Human papillomavirus (HPV) is transmitted contact-household and sexually. Most susceptible to infection with the weakened people. To cope with the virus completely is not yet possible, but it does not mean you have to turn a blind eye to the external manifestations of the disease. Unsightly growths - are only a small part of the problem. The major danger of papillomas is that they are able to regenerate into malignant tumors. Therefore, the appearance of growths on the skin should immediately consult a doctor, who will offer the best method to deal with them.

Among the traditional methods of treatment of papillomas most often used destructive, to put it simply - the physical removal of education. The doctor can remove growths laser, cold (cryotherapy), etc. Furthermore, it is possible to remove papilloma chemical means ("Ferezol" "Solkoderm" etc.). To prevent re-occurrence of entities are appointed interferon preparations. They help strengthen the immune system, which must resist the attack of the virus.

There are folk remedies to combat warts. The most effective is the usual soap. Dampen a build-up of warm water and gently rub it with soap. It is better to carry out the procedure at night to around not conspicuous unsightly dark streaks. In the morning, wash the affected area, and the next night, repeat the procedure. The course of treatment - 3-4 days. Soon the skin will be some inflammation and itching, and in a couple of days after that papilloma disappear.

Good help juice celandine. Lubricate them growths 1-3 times a day. Better for this use fresh plant during flowering, but if it is not the season, fit and pharmaceutical counterpart.

It is important to treat papilloma very carefully, in any case does not scratch or skovyrivat it. If you do accidentally injure the build-up, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tags: means papilloma