How to fix the ears

How to fix the ears
 Protruding ears - appearance defect that occurs quite often. Someone just does not pay attention to him, and someone can not look without grief at her reflection in the mirror. If you see that your baby is suffering because of protruding ears, or you want to improve your appearance - think hard to solve this problem once and for all.
 The shape of the ear depends on the cartilage matrix. The reasons that cause droopy ears, may be as follows: flattening or absence of antihelix, excessively deep pinna, anterolateral rotation of the ear in the direction of the head.

In order to correct the shape of the ears, you need to have an operation, and above all to consult with a surgeon - he will determine what, in fact, the cause droopy ears in your particular case. Do not hesitate to ask questions - because you decide on surgery, so have a good idea of ​​what to expect ahead and make a final decision. Many well-known and popular actors of their droopy ears did not prevent success in the profession - to consult the surgeon you have the opportunity to think again if you need surgery.

After consultation need to pass the necessary preoperative tests and take pictures of the ears.

Modern medicine knows several ways to change the shape of the ears. One involves cutting the cartilage of the ear, the other - bend and sewing cartilage. Most of the operations (otoplasty) is carried out in the doctor's office or outpatient clinic. In preparation for the procedure, choose comfortable clothes, in particular - a shirt with wide collar or smell to it did not have to shoot over his head.

Surgery to correct ears lasts two to three hours, depending on the complexity of the case, and is as follows. At the beginning of medical marker marked the places where the cuts will be made. Then, between the skin and cartilage entered anesthetic and adrenaline - this helps to reduce bleeding and pain. A few minutes later begins the main part of the operation - on the skin are put special silk sutures that hold the ear in the desired position. Sometimes otoplasty laser is used.

The subsequent process of the operation depends on what the individual reason ottopyrivaniya ears. At the end of the procedure wounds and scars are hidden behind the ear, they heal fast enough, catch up with the skin and do not draw attention to himself.

After surgery, an adult can on the same day to go home, the child is better for a day leave in ambulance.

To improve postoperative bandage is applied. It needs to be worn for ten days, then another short period of time only at night. The bandage will help to gain a foothold in the ear position. Swelling and bruising after surgery will dissolve within two months.

If you are going to consult a surgeon about droopy ears child, remember that the growth of the ear is up to eight years, and surgery is only possible after the onset of this age.

Tags: child, shape, ear, droopy ears, otoplasty