Breast Implants: do it or not?

Breast Implants: do it or not?
 Doctors often hear from women's dissatisfaction over the shortcomings own chest. Sometimes they want to reduce it, but most of the increase, sometimes to tighten or remove defects. Chest is the subject of women's pride, and if you have beautiful breasts, then you will surely attract the attention not only of the opposite sex, but other women, and the clothes on you looks much better. But, unfortunately, few can boast, and so want to have a perfect chest.

Births, wrong diet, refusal to exercise, sudden changes in body weight, age and just lead to the fact that breast sag over time, lose their shape and firmness. And some just are not satisfied with its size, and the phrase "that has grown, it has grown" not at all reassuring. In this case, a woman goes to extreme measures, but rather refers to a plastic surgeon and decided on mammoplasty. But all it really necessary to such an operation, and maybe the real problem is not enough in your beautiful breasts, and in my head and in your hidden complexes?

Breast Implants - a complex surgical measures aimed at changing the shape or breast enlargement. Depending on the preferences of women, a plastic surgeon can perform complex operations to increase breast first, but after a while do to avoid lift sagging breasts. In other words, it is possible to perform an isolated transaction type mammoplasty or combined. But before the operation the patient should undergo a comprehensive examination, get advice, and sometimes more than one, in mammalogy, and then together with a plastic surgeon to make an informed decision on the change in the shape or volume of the breast. By the way, mammoplasty includes not only the two main categories, the most common among young and middle-aged, but also removes various defects and restores the symmetry of the breast.

Every woman reshivshayasya on such a major operation should be familiar with contraindications to it:
- You, first of all, must be at least 18 years of age. Girls under the age of majority, the operation to do, no one will. And many doctors believe that 18 years - too early age for mammoplasty;
- Various infectious diseases and cancer, as well as diabetes and blood clotting problems are severe grounds for rejection of the transaction;
- A breast reconstruction and elimination of defects after delivery and infant feeding can be carried out only a year after the end of lactation.

To do or not mammoplasty, decide, of course, you. And even the most influential doctor, especially if you're with him different ideas about the ideal breast, can not dissuade you. But think carefully about your health first, and then of beauty. Remember that the desire to be perfect sometimes fatal and can lead to many problems that will have to correct years. Plastic surgery is not in place, and correction of the chest is becoming safer, but to any woman with a surgeon should be an individual approach that will help to identify what operation it is best to do, and whether to do it at all.

Tags: breasts, no surgery, Breast Implants