These unpleasant "black spots"

These unpleasant "black spots"
 In the world there is not a single person who would never have touched the problem of black dots (scientifically comedones). They represent the pores filled with sebum, dead cells and horny scales. Most often formed on the nose, chin and cheeks and most characteristic of the people of adolescence with a mixed type of skin and enlarged pores.

The causes of comedones are adverse environmental conditions, stress, intake of strong drugs and other factors.

Completely and permanently get rid of blackheads is almost impossible, but it really reduce the scale of their education. Prevention of comedones is a system of comprehensive skin care and execution of some of the nuances of proper nutrition.

Clogging of the pores is a consequence of the significant consumption of fatty foods, sweets, coffee and alcohol. Most effective in the fight against the black dots are considered dairy products, as well as fish, herbs, vegetables and fruits red shades. Such a diet promotes normal bowel habits, and enriches the skin with essential vitamins and minerals.

The golden rule is to prevent the formation of comedones daily cleaning of the skin. It should be done in the morning and evening using a cleansing tonics, lotions, gels for washing. Twice a week is recommended to make peeling or applied to the face cleansing mask.

One of the most popular folk remedies to remove blackheads is oat mask. Take 1 tablespoon crushed flakes of oatmeal and mix them with yogurt until a thick slurry. To the resulting mixture, add salt and a few drops of boric acid. The mixture is applied to the skin face for 15 minutes, then removed with wet hands. After the procedure, you must wash with cool water.

To eliminate comedones can wipe face by hydrogen peroxide, vinegar or lemon juice. Useful for evening skin rubbing a mixture of glycerin and lemon juice, mixed in equal proportions. These actions contribute to the dissolution and discoloration of the hated black dots.

In the formation of comedones on oily skin useful applied to the face mask of soap cream and finely comminuted table salt. Leave the vehicle for a few minutes, and then wash it off with warm, then cool water. Dry skin is first treated with fatty cream, and after one minute is coated with a thin layer of fine salt.

Beautiful folk remedy in the fight against the black dots is considered kefir. It contains acids are able to actively break down sebum. He applied in pure form, is applied to the face and washed off after 15 - 20 minutes. Such a tool is recommended for oily and combination skin.

Significantly reduces the number of black dots steam bath, after which the skin is rubbed with a mixture of shaving cream, salt and baking soda in equal proportions.

Deeply cleanses the skin mixture prepared from salt, sour cream, coffee grounds, oatmeal and ground beans. And to remove spots from acne, the resulting mass is necessary to add a few drops of lemon juice.

Although currently beauticians believe that the most effective treatment is squeezing comedones, it should be carried out with great care. Cleansed skin steamed and fingers wrapped sterile wipes, in turn squeezed pimples.

The disadvantages of this method are considered severe pain, red and swollen nose and cheeks, spots, minor wounds and inflammation. The big drawback is also a high probability of entering through the open pores of various steamed infection. Therefore it is very important to clean the skin after the procedure with a disinfectant solution, and then put on her hydrating mask or mitigating alcohol-free toner.

It is advisable to carry out a similar procedure in beauty salons have experienced professional. It is important to remember that squeezing by means of steam baths contraindicated for people with dilated blood vessels on the face.

Tags: black spot treatment, cause elimination