Nourishing masks for different skin types

Nourishing masks for different skin types
 Hydrating mask is a good stimulant in metabolic processes. They moisturize, replenish vitamin deficiency and improve skin elasticity. But not every mask will benefit. Each skin type requires a different care and their money.
 Today, the industry offers a range of cosmetic masks. But much more useful to the skin masks from natural ingredients, cooked at home. The choice of ingredients to mask depends on the skin type, for which it is done.

Before applying the mask, remove makeup and cleanse your face with special means, it is desirable to make the pre-peeling. It removes dead skin cells, opens pores and improves the penetration of ingredients into the skin mask. Mask is applied strictly on massage lines without affecting the area around the lips and eyes.

Masks for skin prone to dryness

The structure of such masks typically include cream, sour cream or vegetable oil. Ideal nourish dry skin honey and egg yolk. Different masks for this type of skin will be a mixture of egg yolk with a tablespoon of vegetable oil; teaspoon of fat sour cream or cream with egg yolk; a small amount of honey with a tablespoon of sour cream and cottage cheese.

It is also possible to prepare mayonnaise and oat mask. Pour the boiling water a tablespoon of oatmeal, wait until they cool down and turn to mush, then add a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. Thoroughly mix all, apply the mixture on your face and keep no more than 10 minutes. Oatmeal Mask perfectly nourishes, brightens and hydrates the skin.

Good nutritional properties has mayonnaise mask. For her, it is necessary to mix a tablespoon of honey with 150 g of mayonnaise. This mask can be held up to 20 minutes.

Remove the mask for dry skin should be a cotton swab moistened with milk, tea, herbal infusion or salted water.

Mask for oily skin

Before the procedure, oily skin must be thoroughly cleaned and rub lotion. To prepare the masks for this type of skin using different acidic ingredients: vegetables, fruits and berries. Excellent for this purpose, suitable apples, cherries and peaches.

To prepare the lemon-protein mask must beat one protein with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mixture should be cast in several stages with five-minute intervals. Removes an impregnated tea with a cotton swab. For oily skin mask can also be removed, moisten a cotton pad with orange juice or water with the addition of boric acid.

Masks for normal skin

Normal skin can please nut mask. For it to be crushed walnut kernels four add one egg yolk and a few drops of olive oil. Half an hour after applying facial skin will become radiant and fresh look.

Beauticians recommend to keep the mask on for 15 minutes to an hour. At this time you need to spend some time relaxing, you can turn to music. After removing the mask should be put on the face cream.

Tags: type mask, a component