How to maintain youthful skin around the eyes

How to maintain youthful skin around the eyes
 Nothing is so old and does not afflict women appeared as wrinkles around the eyes, especially because she's sweet and dry, prone to rapid formation of wrinkles. Women are always looking for different creams, lotions and masks, so that the skin around the eyes remained young and supple.
 The first thing that can and should do - is to review the system of the skin around the eyes. Always remove makeup every day, no exceptions can not be. Make-up remover will need special tools (milk, lotion) and cotton swabs. Remove makeup need gentle movements, without stretching the skin.

After cleansing, make a gentle massage, first finger in a circular motion from the inner to the outer corner of the eye, and then percussive movements. After that, you need to moisturize the skin and nourish. Daily pat apply under the eyes a special cream or gel. If the skin is very dry, then a cream may be applied and under makeup. The cream should not include lanolin: it can cause swelling and redness.

The next thing you can do to delay the appearance of wrinkles - is to control their facial expressions. Of course, a wide smile sincere pleases the eye, but strangers. Around the same his eyes forming a plurality of fine lines, which over time will only become deeper. Therefore, no tears, grimacing, frowning and squinting. And in sunny weather and not very spring and summer are advised to wear sunglasses that will save not only wrinkles, but also on the retinal lesions.

Will be effective as various packs and masks, you can buy them, but it is easy to make at home and. Useful will wipe ice cubes from the milk and water, compresses of decoctions of parsley, sage and limes. They will help refresh your skin and remove swelling.

To improve the blood circulation of the skin, suitable mask of finely chopped parsley leaves and cream, you want to hold for 30 minutes. After it apply nourishing cream.

Do not forget the long-known and proven tools, such as a poultice of grated or boiled potato or cucumber mask. Mix the potato with sour cream or olive oil, put on the area around the eyes, soak for 30 minutes and rinse. But cucumbers will act as a grated state and just sliced. Both tools refresh and moisturize the skin around the eyes, relieve fatigue and restore skin elasticity.

Tags: Eye, skin, face, care, youth