How to get rid of stretch marks on thighs

How to get rid of stretch marks on thighs
 Stretch marks on the skin - a phenomenon hormone that appears under certain conditions, such as pregnancy. Many women perceived their appearance as a great catastrophe and all the forces trying to get rid of them. Especially because the methods for this are many.
 Scars on the hips - namely so look appeared on his legs stretch marks - do not decorate any woman. At the same time get rid of them is difficult, since no damage to the skin surface and the inner. Therefore, on the way to get rid of stretch marks will have to make some effort, which, if not completely relieve you of this defect, then at least make stretch marks less noticeable.

The easiest way - to go to a beauty salon. Here you will be offered the choice of a list of corrective procedures. It includes aromaterpaiya, wraps, SPA and thalassotherapy, ozone-oxygen therapy and chemical peels. Each of these manipulations directed at deep penetration into the inner layers of the skin, the recovery of collagen, which binds tissue damage and smoothing.

In some cases, the ladies resorted to laser resurfacing hip. During this procedure the removal and removal of the top layer of the epithelium, which causes the cells to work. In turn, begins to develop and update covers all of the same collagen. Resurfacing also helps to rejuvenate the skin.

Sometimes women are solved even for plastic surgery. Made it through the transplantation of skin areas.

If you do not have the time or resources to ensure that access to the facilities, you can try to deal with stretch marks on their own. Thus, for example, is considered to be an excellent means of massage. While taking a shower, take orange peels and within 1-2 minutes, rub the skin with a force of thighs. Massage so that a slight reddening. Also, as the scrub you can use normal food - sugar, coffee, salt. After the procedure, take douche.

Another way to massage the thigh - the use of essential oils. Well suited for this purpose, orange oil, rosemary, hazelnut and wheat germ. The combination of these oils will help make the skin more elastic.

Dried apricots, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, avocado, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as the liver - are the main components of your diet during treatment of stretch marks. In addition, you can buy in a drugstore vitamin complex, which includes the A, C and E.

Of course, you need to start a parallel in sports. Moderate exercise combined with proper nutrition and additional cosmetic procedures to help in the fight against stretch marks.

Tags: stretching, hip, removal, disposal