8 rules for use of deodorants

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 Deodorants come into a list of items daily hygiene, perhaps every person. Some people prefer sprays, someone - sticks or roll-on deodorants, manufacturers offer new forms, such as deo-gels, perfume powder. Whatever means the smell of sweat you are not preferred, you should follow some rules when using them.

1. Apply deodorant on a dry clean skin.

2. Do not use antiperspirants more than once a day, ideally, should avoid using these tools every day. Their constituent components, such as aluminum or zinc salts, sweat gland ducts overlap, whereby sweat secretion stagnates and can lead to gidradenity - purulent inflammation.

3. When I got home, rinse applied deodorant or antiperspirant, so that the skin as long as possible to breathe (for the same purpose, give preference to clothes made of natural fabrics).

4. Pay attention to the composition of the acquired funds, depending on your skin type. For oily skin prone to heavy sweating, use deodorants with their Member triclosan, and for dry and sensitive skin fit more forgiving material - farnesol or chlorhexidine. In addition, depending on the skin type to choose the form of release of deodorant: with sensitive skin, avoid sprays, preferring deo-perfumed talcum powder or cream.

5. Do not mix deodorant and perfumes or other perfume. The exception is odorless deodorants or cases where perfume and deodorant are based on the same scent.

6. Do not apply deodorant or antiperspirant on damaged or irritated skin. In particular, you should not use deodorant immediately after hair removal and shaving.

7. Deodorants may cause an allergic skin reaction. Therefore, if you notice discomfort, itching, redness after using the tools, refuse it.

8. Do not use antiperspirants before intensive physical activity, and before going to the steam room and sauna. Remember that sweating - a natural and necessary process that occurs in the body.

Tags: sweat, sweating, use, antiperspirant