12 products for perfect skin

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 Every woman who looks after himself, knows that beauty comes from within. If the power is unbalanced and does not contain substances needed by the body, the skin does not help any creams and lotions. Meanwhile, it is necessary to include in the diet of only 12 products and your skin will shine.

Salmon. Our body needs a so-called "essential" fatty acids - Omega-6 and Omega-3. No body can not synthesize its own, and the need for it is great. First of all, because these acids increase the body's resistance to skin diseases (acne, psoriasis and others.), Strengthen the nervous, immune and cardiovascular system. And that salmon contains a huge amount of mineral acids. As an alternative source can be used linseed oil, but it is far less pleasant to the taste.

Water. For optimal skin hydration is not enough special lotions and emulsions. The water should enter the inside of the skin. And since it also requires other organs, a day to drink at least 7 glasses.

Green tea. Rich in antioxidants, polyphenols and other useful elements that give the skin a cheerful glow. Also, green tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Mango. Vitamin A is essential for the health and beauty of your skin. Mango contains it in abundance, which is why regular use of this exotic fruit makes the skin smoother and more precise contours of the face. Mango also promotes skin cell renewal.

Avocado. Just like mango, today sold in all supermarkets and had long been considered to be exotic for our latitude. Pay attention to the structure of the oily flesh of this product - it shows high content of vitamin B and essential oils that are beneficial to the skin, especially dry. Avocado is also known for its soothing and refreshing properties, which is why it is recommended to have the summer to remove redness and extra shine to the skin.

Feta cheese. Delicious soft cheese, which can often be found in a plate with Greek salad. This milk product contains a large amount of calcium. However, most of the credit for the cheese skin is that it is rich in selenium, and this - a very important element for velvety and soft skin. However, do not abuse this cheese, especially in the summer - it is very salty and can disturb the water balance of the body-willed, cause edema.

Almonds. Rich in essential oils and vitamin E, which makes the skin smooth and pleasant to the touch. But do not use it in large chunks: it is known that almond contains a small amount of potassium cyanide, so many nuts at a time can cause poisoning.

Hazelnut. Really a treasure for our skin due to the large amount of selenium, which makes the skin supple and prevents the appearance of acne and helps produce glutathione, fighting free radicals. Hazelnut also contains zinc, known for its anti-inflammatory properties (for example, all of baby powder necessarily contain zinc).

Berries. Any berries, both forest and with your problem, contain huge amounts of vitamins and minerals. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, blueberry, black currant, cranberry rich in collagen, which supports the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Among other things, many berries contain more vitamin C than citrus.

Carrot. It contains the beta-carotene transformable organism into vitamin A. It is only necessary to remember, that for beta-carotene uptake, it is necessary to simultaneously use the reception carrot oil. Carrots also gives the skin a beautiful golden hue. It's kind of a natural tan.

Low-fat yogurt. In addition to the beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract, yogurt helps the skin look young and fresh due to the high content of vitamin A.

Pomegranate juice. The possibilities of this drink is truly mysterious and still being studied by scientists. Thus, there is a version that pomegranate juice - a great cancer prevention. It provides skin health, because it contains anthocyanins - building material for thin cells of blood vessels that carry nutrients to the skin.

Of course, do not need to eat every day, all the products from the list. You can define for each specific day and cook a few dishes in which it is included. In such a case a couple of weeks you'll notice that your skin began to look much better.

Tags: leather, Food