Removal of pigment spots

Removal of pigment spots
 Freckles, age spots - these troubles are often concerned women. In the first case the thesis of the damage to the beauty of the dispute, in the second - no doubt. It is unlikely that the dark spots, in contrast to the cute freckles, can make a person attractive. If you did not pass this problem, do not worry: there is a solution.

Pigment spots occur for different reasons: during pregnancy, due to prolonged exposure to the sun, due to various diseases of internal organs - the liver, digestive system, etc. usually goes with the disappearance of the root causes and effect. That is why it is so important to determine the root of all evil.

Consult a dermatologist, he will appoint a comprehensive examination. Then you'll know where to start the fight. If, for example, spots come into your life together with dysfunction of the digestive system, you just need to adjust the stomach. And if you zharites hours under the burning sun, perhaps. should give up the habit and reduce the portion of ultraviolet radiation. You can not imagine my life without tanning? Then at least use creams with a high degree of protection, wear a hat with a wide brim, eat more foods containing vitamins A, C and B.

But it's all - rather, prevention. Existing dark spots can try to remove a variety of ways. For example, with the help of many proposed by different manufacturers bleaching creams. Pick up the funds very carefully, they should match your skin type and do not cause allergies.

You can also refer to a national way. For example, dilute 10 tablespoons water 1 spoon (also tablespoon) of lemon juice and wipe the face. Or used for these purposes grated cucumber. Well there are also dairy products - yogurt, yogurt, yogurt. A witch doctors in the old age spots smeared dog saliva.

But the most effective method - is peeling. Not home, in a beauty salon. As a result, procedures removed the upper layer of the skin, and new regenerated, spots and other defects usually do not appear.

There are many different types of peeling - laser, ultrasonic, chemical. You need to choose the one that best suits you. But most importantly - an approach to solving the problem comprehensively.

Tags: stain, peeling, deletion, defect