How to do hair removal?

How to do hair removal?
 The first attempts to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the skin date back to ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece. The legendary beauty of those times actively used for hair removal tweezers and wax mask. Today replace these methods came more modern, allowing the hair to get rid of once and for all.
 To get rid of unwanted hair, women often resort to such means as pumice hair removal, shaving, applying to the skin of melted wax. However, even if doing depilation correctly, just follow all recommendations, some time hairs sprout again, and the skin loses its smoothness, which was given with such difficulty. In place of these painful way, giving only a short-term effect, came progressive and radical methods of hair removal.
If in any way to remove unwanted hair you are going to use for the first time, be sure to ask about him all the details. After all, this depends largely on the final outcome of the procedure.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal - a reliable and fast way to get rid of unwanted hair. This method is safe for the body as a whole, since the laser pulse acts only on the hair.
The laser energy is transformed into heat energy and destroys the hair follicle without damaging the skin. As a result of damage or complete destruction of hair follicles stop growing. Thus removed the hair, visible above the surface of the skin, completely all the hair will be removed only after repeated sessions of laser hair removal.
To hair removal was carried out effectively and efficiently, the patient must wait until germination of hair. Desirably, their length was 5.3 mm. Depending on the individual characteristics of the client's doctor chooses the wavelength of the laser can penetrate to the maximum depth. The duration of the procedure depends on epiliruemoy surface. Typically, the session does not last long, thanks to a powerful laser and a large beam of light was adjusted so that follicle is destroyed quickly. Number of treatments depends on the characteristics of the hair growth. Someone will be enough of one procedure, and someone - more.
Carry out laser hair removal is not recommended for tanned skin. Absolute contraindications for the procedure are available for pregnant women, patients younger than 15 years, people with skin diseases and malignant tumors, as well as patients with epilepsy.


Epilation - the most radical and progressive method of hair removal that is exposed to high-momentum of light. Unlike laser depilation effective only for black hair, only some parts of the body hair epilation any effect on the structure and color, in any part of the body and skin type. It may be back, chest, arms, legs, bikini area, face.
Melanin (the pigment contained in the hair) is able to conduct and absorb light. The energy absorbed by the melanin of the light pulse heats and destroys the hair follicle and for several days he falls. Hair removal with light flashes act simultaneously on several bulbs.
Dermatologist before hair removal sessions to collect detailed information about the individual characteristics and health of the client determines hair color and style of his skin. Then, according to all these data the computer selects the mode best for you.
The next step is directly epilation. The patient's skin gel is applied, assumes thermal energy and protects the skin from the negative effects. Then epiliruemuyu area treated with light. The doctor leads to skin manipulator device with a crystal tip, and periodic flashes of light destroy hair follicles. Completes the procedure for applying to the treated skin emollient cream or spray.
After the first treatment zone is removed from the treated about 30% of the hair. A few weeks later the procedure is carried out repeatedly. It is worth noting that at each session of hair removal removes only those hairs that are in the phase of intensive growth (anagenesis). When properly treated hair no longer grows.
The advantages of this method over the other may include painless, high removal rate, comfort and contactless (no intervention in the skin), the virtual absence of contraindications, allergic reactions.


During this procedure, the hair follicle is introduced thin-needle electrode. At the end of the needle is formed and there is an electrical impulse smallest spark. Getting to the bottom of the hair follicle, it destroys it.
This procedure is painful, but bearable tolerated, because this method does not involve the processing of large areas of skin. Much depends on the human pain threshold. Plus current hair removal - the ability to remove even the bright and gray, do not contain melanin, the hair.
Electrolysis requires multiple treatments. For 2-3 sessions adjusted shape of the eyebrows, 4-5 can get rid of hair on the upper lip.
In electrolysis are relative and absolute contraindications. By absolute include cardiovascular disease, dermatological inflammation, diabetes, cancer. Learn about the relative contraindications, you can have a specialist clinic.

Trust your skin should only qualified personnel with higher medical education, knowing the anatomy of the structure of hair and skin, and fluent in installed equipment in the clinic.


IPL hair removal, summarizes the advantages of the laser, photo and electrolysis. Elos technology combines optical and electrical energy, and the follicle during the procedure guaranteed destroyed by the current, high-frequency light pulse and energy.
To date, IPL hair removal, recognized around the world one of the safest methods of hair removal. The procedure is quick and any type of skin transferred comfortable. The risk of depigmentation and burns minimized, you can remove and blond hair.
Before the procedure, a specialist close shave in the area where treatment is needed and applied to the skin a special gel. At the outbreak of the applicator may feel a slight tingling sensation, so when processing certain areas, such as bikinis, where feelings are more sensitive skin 30-40 minutes before the procedure is covered by cream-anesthetic.
The total duration of the session depends on epiliruemoy area. To achieve the effect of smoothness of the skin need to spend 6-8 sessions. Intervals between them depends on the skin type, hair color, ripening time bulb body portion.

Tags: hair way, removal, hair removal