As a result the skin tone in

As a result the skin tone in
 The skin may lose the tone for many reasons. First of all, it is - a natural age-related loss of elasticity. Not the best way affect the skin are numerous diet. Often, the skin becomes loose from poor lifestyle choices and excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and alcohol. But with the right and, most importantly, regular care for a return to the elasticity of the skin is possible.
 Physical exercise

Even if you're still in school physical education skipped, and today the word "sport" is causing your heartburn, you have to make an effort and start doing exercise. Optionally run daily to 10 kilometers. You can do to start walking. Arrange with a friend or loved one on the evening daily walks. Wear a good sports shoes, clothing does not restrict movement, turn off the TV and go outside. A moderate pace, talking about everything can be completed in the evening several kilometers. In addition, fresh air and physical activity has beneficial effects not only on the skin tone, but also helps to establish good sleep.


The body simply needs enough sleep at least 8 hours a day. Walk before going to bed, ventilate the room for the night and suspend all proceedings in the morning. Flabby skin dull often in women suffering from chronic lack of sleep.

Water Treatments

Pouring cold water not only temper but also improve skin tone perfectly and the whole organism. The main thing is to get yourself started. Within a week after the cold douches you feel how much better steel look. The skin becomes elastic eyes, complexion improves, small wrinkles are smoothed. If you just can not decide on pouring, try to douches.


Bath - this is the best way to improve skin tone, cleanse the body of toxins, say goodbye to cellulite and even overweight. Once a week, visit the bath or sauna. Be sure to bring your scrubs and masks. You can use folk remedies such as honey or masks from vegetables and fruits. Do not drink alcoholic beverages after the pair. It is best to quench their thirst herbal tea.


Do not forget to moisturize the skin daily. Loss of moisture very quickly leads to loss of tone. After the shower, apply a light massage on the still damp skin lotion or gel. Try several times a week to take air baths in a well-ventilated room.

About to take care of the skin on a regular basis, not just on the eve of holidays and beach season. Walking outdoors, hiking in the bath and a good daily use cosmetics not only give you a good mood, but also a long time to prolong youthfulness of your skin.

Tags: skin tone