5 Rules shaving legs

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 Women shave their legs become popular since the days of the Second World War, when nylon stockings became a large deficit. To put on a skirt with bare legs, it was necessary to get rid of unsightly hairs on the skin. Today invented many ways to remove hair: women are increasingly turning to the wax, and some - to laser hair removal. However, the razor is still the cheapest and fastest way to remove hair. But before you pick up a razor, check out the five basic rules shaving legs.

First rule: shaving trick is that this procedure should be done on a moist skin, pre-softened with warm water and a special foam, lotion. If you start to shave your legs dry running, you will not only not be able to cut all the hairs at the root, but also score the shaving cartridge desquamated skin pieces. Moreover, before shaving should get rid of all the dead skin cells hard sponge, pumice or cosmetics that do not clog the razor. Plus it will leave your skin soft and smooth.

The second rule: there is no need to spend big money on women's shaving cream and razors themselves, designed specifically for women. They are virtually indistinguishable from creams and tools for men who, by the way, usually 2-3 times cheaper. In addition, many men's and women's razors fit the same nozzle. Just Pick your favorite model razor and pleasant to the smell of cream and forth. It is not recommended to use a simple shaving soap. It will not only cause excessive skin dryness, but will not slide razor leg smoothly, causing cuts and skin irritation.

The third rule: make sure that the change or razor cartridges regularly. Blunted blade shaves bad, causes irritation of the skin, leaving a nasty bristles can cause ingrown hairs. Also, refrain from shaving machine your boyfriend or husband. His hair rougher and faster blunt blade (in fact, men can not stand when women use their razor).

The fourth rule: your hair grow on your feet down. Therefore, should begin to shave upwards: from the ankles and up to the armpits. But armpits must shave in all directions (and along and across), because hair grow there as desired.

Finally, the fifth rule: after shaving the skin should soothe and moisten with oil or cream. The skin on the legs practically no sebaceous glands and more prone to dryness than elsewhere.

Tags: leg shaving